Call it ‘Radio Friday’: KUOW in West Seattle as well as KEXP

(From the WSB semi-vintage radio collection; we know, KEXP is actually 90.3 FM and KUOW is 94.9 FM)
Thanks to Liesbet for the tip on this: Not only is KEXP broadcasting live from West Seattle on Friday, so is KUOW. In KEXP’s case, the Hood-To-Hood Day event will last most of the day and into the night, while KUOW’s just visiting for an hour, but it’s still a live broadcast, so in case you’re interested: The station is touring all seven of the new City Council districts, and the first stop is District 1. 10-11 am Friday, KUOW’s “Week in Review” will broadcast live from Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. The lone announced West Seattle guest: Former Mayor Greg Nickels. (The show is hosted by Bill Radke, with panelists Joni Balter and C.R. Douglas.)

6 Replies to "Call it 'Radio Friday': KUOW in West Seattle as well as KEXP"

  • m May 26, 2015 (7:12 pm)

    Kuow aired a special on district 1 this morning. According to their report the Top 3 issues in West Seattle are 1) isolation from the city (I.e. traffic and transportation). 2) lack of parking 3) crime.

    zero mention of housing affordability. Maybe our candidates are campaigning with the wrong priorities?

  • hoodinquiries May 26, 2015 (8:10 pm)

    Who decided the Top 3? Studies? Or what?

    pffft. I like KUOW, but unless one of their journalists lives here … pffft again…who cares what they think. Over. Simplification.

    Nice low-tech artifacts there, wsb.

  • m May 27, 2015 (6:03 am)

    There is an article and the audio replay on the KUOW homepage right now.

  • hoodinquiries May 27, 2015 (5:28 pm)

    I just listened to the KUOW story m. The reporter needs to know that he GOT IT WRONG. Geez, is it that hard to do a little research lazy bones.

    For future reference Mr. guy in the street and getting it WRONG, please take note so you don’t MISINFORM your listening audience.

    You did the standard, lazy, crappy job Mr. Wanna Be Reporter.

    Take note: District 1 is referred to as West Seattle in this report. There is no mention of South Park, but he creatively mentions ethnically diverse neighborhoods to the south of the Junction.

    Guess what?

    Going in for a closer look, Mr. Lame Reporter interviewed WHITE CENTER residents for their take on the complaints of crime in West Seattle.

    Check your facts Joshua McNichols.

    West Seattle, South Park and White Center just fired you.

    • WSB May 27, 2015 (5:47 pm)

      Well, I won’t be listening to the story but if it’s anything like most citywide reporting, they might be misidentifying anything south of Thistle as White Center … I’ve offered hopefully helpful corrections to regional media on Twitter now and then. Here’s hoping they at least didn’t interview non-city residents about a city election.

  • hoodinquiries May 27, 2015 (6:10 pm)

    I know TR. Unbelievable they still don’t get it. Inexcusable.

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