Video: One week later, West Seattleites again ‘Run for Boston’

(Tonight’s group heading out, northbound on California)
Last Monday night, the shock of the Boston bombings was still fresh when Lori and Tim McConnell of West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) organized a group run as a way for people here to deal with that shock, and grief. Tonight – after a week in which so much has happened – they again invited local runners, this time to join a week-later nationwide “Run for Boston” tribute. The crowd that showed up spanned all ages and paces:

In that photo, they’re looking up at Tim, who didn’t get a group photo last Monday, but stepped outside their second-story store to make sure not to miss the overview this time:

Lori sported her keepsake shirt from running the Boston Marathon five years ago:

At least one other Seattle group ran tonight too, as well as others coast to coast.

6 Replies to "Video: One week later, West Seattleites again 'Run for Boston'"

  • Tim April 22, 2013 (9:23 pm)

    Thank you West Seattle for such a strong showing of support for the victims of the last weeks tragic events in Boston. Lori and I are lucky to have you as customers, runners and friends. The turn out tonight was beyond our expectations, and we raised over $200 for A great night, a great run, great people and a very worthy cause. Thanks again.
    Tim and Lori
    West Seattle Runner

  • Jaf April 22, 2013 (10:49 pm)

    Awesome. Love that as soon as the dog begins to run his tail is wagging. Sweet…

  • Bob Loblaw April 23, 2013 (9:08 pm)

    Weighing in late, but so very proud of my community. I ran for Boston in a 5K and a 12K this weekend, and a very personal 4-mile loop with tears in my eyes last Tuesday. Were it not for work I would have been there for sure Monday night. Thank you to the entire crew at West Seattle Runner for all you do for the running community!

  • Gametiime April 24, 2013 (2:23 pm)

    So great to see the strong showing at West Seattle Runner. Kudos to Tim and Lori for stepping up to the plate to do something positive for the running community.

    We co-organized an event at Greenlake on Monday and it was an amazing turnout for such a powerful cause. We were so happy to be a part of this movement throughout WA and the US.

    Here are a couple links to Boston Strong Seattle at Greenlake.


  • jiggers April 24, 2013 (3:44 pm)

    Are we running for the City oF Boston or the vitims who died in the marathon?

  • Tim April 24, 2013 (5:03 pm)

    jiggers, we ran for the victims, which included the city of Boston itself.

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