West Seattle Crime Watch: Vandalism spotted, quickly reported

Another West Seattle Crime Watch report out of the WSB inbox, this one from Kim, who thinks this case may have victims who don’t yet realize it:

At about 10 pm (Saturday) evening I witnessed 4 young men damaging property as they stumbled north along California ave just past the Blockbuster. They were knocking down signs, breaking flower pots, and grabbing things from people’s yards and throwing them on the sidewalk. I called the police and they came and apprehended the 4 young men who seemed rowdy and possibly drunk. Just thought I might pass this along so that if anyone finds any damage they can report it to the authorities. They were on the east side of California and made their way about 4 blocks north of Blockbuster (that we saw) until the police arrived. A few other neighbors saw the incident and also reported it. It’s sad that people would do such things to people’s property but it makes me happy to know that people are looking out for their neighbors and that the police arrived so quickly. Hopefully this won’t be happening again anytime soon.

4 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Vandalism spotted, quickly reported "

  • marty September 12, 2010 (7:58 am)

    Good job Kim! Neighbors have to watch out for each other.

  • As-If September 12, 2010 (10:23 am)

    Yes, Yes, Good job! Who knows what you may have prevented. What if they were headed for their car? You may have saved a life.

  • homesweethome September 12, 2010 (4:31 pm)

    thank you – we live on this stretch of CA!

  • Lola September 13, 2010 (12:35 pm)

    Glad to hear some good news and that vandals were caught.

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