West Seattle Crime Watch: More recent police reports

Besides the case of the laptop bandit (suspect now under arrest), we’ve got a few more police reports from the Southwest Precinct to tell you about before the night’s over:

WHAT ALL THE FAIRMOUNT-AREA RUCKUS WAS ABOUT: We received a couple of inquiries about this late Monday because of the big police search that was involved; we updated the Crime Watch page with a few details Tuesday, and now we have the full scoop: 11 pm Monday, a resident in the 6700 block of 39th called 911 to say he’d frightened a prowler away from his back deck. He said he’d been asleep, was awakened by a noise outside, he got up and saw a figure by the back door, he smacked his hand against the window to scare the person away, accidentally broke the window in the process. The person ran. Only description – person was 5-8 to 6 feet tall. (We received e-mail tonight from a friend of the resident, who seems to be OK, minor cuts.) Now, what appears to have made this a more urgent search is the fact that about 13 hours earlier, around 10 am Monday, there was an actual burglary just a couple doors down, a different residence in the 6700 block of 39th. Someone broke through a back basement window, took “numerous items” including jewelry, TV, checks, cash, baseball cards, apparently was going to take more but one of the residents came home and surprised them in the process of burglarizing. The home was apparently only unoccupied for about 45 minutes before that resident came home and “interrupted.” No suspect or description BUT the police report notes that another neighbor had seen an unfamiliar vehicle in the neighborhood, an emerald green late 90s Ford Explorer. NO PROOF THIS VEHICLE WAS TIED TO THE BREAK-INS, but it is mentioned on the report.

ANOTHER BURGLARY INTERRUPTED: This time, in the 2400 block of SW Graham, quarter till 2 on Tuesday afternoon. A man came home and saw someone in the kitchen he didn’t recognize; he asked the man to identify himself, and the man bolted, leaving behind a backpack of loot he apparently had intended to steal, including a PlayStation 2 and a CD. The only description on the police report is 20s, 180 pounds, shaved head, black puffy jacket and jeans.

POLICE IMPOSTOR: In the 9400 block of 25th SW on Tuesday afternoon around 3:40, a man knocked on a door and told the couple inside he was a Seattle Police detective who wanted to come in and talk with them about a ring of mail thieves. He wasn’t in uniform but did have some kind of badge around his neck. They let him in and say he asked questions including what time of the day they were usually home. He eventually left in a blue SUV, and the residents started to think there was something suspicious, so they contacted police.

PARKING LOT RAGE: Four women flagged down an officer in the Westwood Village parking lot at 8:25 pm Monday. They were driving into the lot as another car driving out started to swerve, quickly, into their lane; they honked, the driver immediately pulled over and yelled an obscenity at them, then got out – leaving the women’s car blocked – came over, looked in the car, remarked it was a shame no men were inside so he could kick their a–es, made some other insulting, profane, and threatening remarks, and left. They gave police a good description of the car and plate.

PARKING RAGE? A patron at Redline on 35th came out to find their car windshield broken and a five-pound chunk of concrete nearby. The police report says the car was parked in a spot that partially blocked an entrance/exit area, and surmises that someone may have been upset about that and hurled the concrete at the window as a result.

P.S., A CRIME REPORT THAT’S NOT FROM THE POLICE FILES: It came to us by e-mail from Ted – if you have any info, please let police know:

I live right in the West Seattle / Shorewood area and had a landscape trailer stolen from my yard – if you could please have your readers keep a look out for a landscape trailer without a plate. I have reported it stolen with Seattle and King County. We live on SW 107th St. It is a black landscape trailer with a “Jesus loves bikers too” small decal on the back. The unfortunate thing is we use the trailer to help our neighbors out by taking stuff to the dump as well as have helped some people in need move. Now we found that it was stolen !!! Please help.

As we always remind you – don’t hesitate to call police when you see or hear something suspicious, and of course when you believe a crime has been (or is being) committed. In addition to 911, there’s a non-emergency line at 206/625-5011. A big collection of Seattle Police crime-prevention resources is linked from the Southwest Precinct’s Crime Prevention page. And previous WSB police-report coverage is archived on our Crime Watch page.

8 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: More recent police reports"

  • add February 7, 2008 (7:58 am)

    Re: Fairmount-area ruckus – are the addresses you report accurate (6700 block of 39th)? I consider that Gatewood Hill – my neighborhood!

  • KatherineL February 7, 2008 (8:11 am)

    Interesting, after all the discussion of “African-American” in the description of the laptop thieves, that the police description of the stranger in the kitchen includes height, weight, hairstyle and clothing, but not race. Do we conclude by default that he was Caucasian?

  • WSB February 7, 2008 (8:22 am)

    Police reports are only as good as the info the victims provide. There are small checkboxes on every form for suspects that list categories for race and other descriptive factors. I took this info from the narrative on the police report but may have missed the checkbox. Am experimenting with including descriptive factors and it’s going to be a work in progress. Sometimes BTW crime victims are too shaken to remember anything about a person’s face (which may be hidden by a hoodie, etc.) – sometimes even surveillance video can’t tell you a person’s race (in TV, where we used to get almost a surveillance tape per day, we’d see masked, hoodied, gloved criminals and all you could say would be the height, build, and clothing description).

  • m February 7, 2008 (8:41 am)

    ADD, I too consider that Gatewood Hill. At least that’s where I tell people I live so I hope I’m right. :) It’s unnerving that this happened in our neighborhood…

  • Bek February 7, 2008 (12:28 pm)

    I live in the Westwood neighborhood by Cheif Sealth. I called the police on two men in the alley by 26th & Thistle this morning aroung 7:40 AM. One man was walking down the middle of the alley and the other was dodging in and out between the buildings of Longfellow town homes. It was obvious they were up to no good, one guy stared me down. Someone called the police Sunday about a car prowl in the same alley.

  • Ted February 7, 2008 (5:17 pm)

    If anyone happens to see the trailer that was stolen from my yard – please let me know. ted.ellis@gmail.com

    it does not have a plate on it – so any tips of landscape / utility trailers abandonded or suspicious would be appreciated.

  • Wes February 7, 2008 (6:09 pm)

    Has WSB heard anymore about the shooting on 45th and Hinds? If anyone was caught etc…?

  • WSB February 8, 2008 (11:54 pm)

    Regarding the address — the inquiries we got about the search were from Fairmount, sorry, perhaps it started on Gatewood and moved to Fairmount (search areas aren’t all documented on reports). Wes – police are continuing to watch that situation but no arrest so far.

Sorry, comment time is over.