Freeway Fright ’07: No commentary, just the cams

This morning, we’re trying alternative transportation, so no commute commentary, don’t everyone boo all together. But here are those six live cams again, with a few random notes below …

(l to r below: latest from cams over WS Bridge midspan looking east, WS Br. I-5 ramps, I-5 @ Spokane Street in whichever direction WSDOT chooses to point it)

(l to r below: latest from cams looking east @ Low Bridge approach, Alaskan Way @ Washington, 99 @ 1st Avenue S bridge)

RANDOM NOTES: Came across one more goofy term last night for what this traffic situation has NOT become (so far); to Commutastrophe and Carpocalypse, add “Carmageddon” … Found this about 12 hours too late to share with anyone who might not have already known … If you’re looking for more commute info besides the cams above, remember the WSDOT update page … Later this morning, after our alternative-transportation test, we’ll post more info on the water taxi dock proposal announcement made last night, including a link to something the project proponents drew up showing what it would look like.

10 Replies to "Freeway Fright '07: No commentary, just the cams"

  • k August 16, 2007 (6:17 am)

    The real carmageddon was getting HOME last night! one hour 20 mins on the 54 from 4th and union. INSANITY! why do the mariners need to have games that coincide with rush hour and construction? it was pure madness. the longest trip home this summer. argh.

  • Sue August 16, 2007 (6:52 am)

    I’m with ya, K – and why on earth did they send one of the short buses for the 54X (I’m assuming it was the one that arrives at 2nd/Union at 5:02 but in reality was more like 5:15)? By the time it arrived at the last stop it was packed beyond capacity – people in the stairwells – and many people left at the curb.
    There’s another afternoon game on 8/29. Oh joy.

  • Chet August 16, 2007 (7:37 am)

    I feel the same way, games letting out at rush hour is not cool but it happens several times every season. Someone thinks its a great idea but I don’t see why. The area around Safeco is a CF in general whether there is a game at 1:05, 3:05, or 7:05, or no game at all. The trains have the biggest impact on traffic flow but they are allowed to run through there at THE worst times. I understand the Sounder but to have freight trains run through there at rush hour every day which often stop, back up then stop back up and repeat for a few minutes and block roads like Lander and Royal Brougham is absurd. The newer I 90/I 5 on ramps on Edgar Martinez Way just add to the congestion if you ask me. I don’t recall there being such congestion when the old I 90 east bound ramp to I 5 at 4th Ave was open. Ofcourse I have tried to work with the city on this for the last 5 years or so but get nowhere.

  • Flowerpetal August 16, 2007 (9:48 am)

    The Mariners “need” to play games at that time because the league sets the schedule, not the Mariners. Its a complaint in every major City with a team. And then the other complaint is that there are not enough afternoon games to take the kids to. Someone’s going to belly-ache either way; and the Mariners organization has no say in the schedule… unless they didn’t want to be in the major league. Being stuck in Mariner traffic makes me irritable too, but I don’t ask why the Mariners do things that way.

  • Chet August 16, 2007 (10:46 am)

    Sorry, it just seemed reasonable to me that the schedule could have been adjusted to a later time because of the I 5 project .. both the games and the project were known about months ago. Other things around the city have been rearranged because of the I 5 project so I thought it was reasonable to think the game times could be too.

  • Chet August 16, 2007 (10:49 am)

    PS .. If the belly ache is not enough games to take the kids to, there are far more Sunday after noon games than afternoon week day games so I don’t see why the week day games “need” to happen. I get it though, it’s the league, not the city.

  • Flowerpetal August 16, 2007 (11:03 am)

    I’m not sure when the road work was scheduled but the season schedule was set way back when the snow was flying.
    My apologies about the “belly-ache” comment. In reading back, it was way stronger than I wanted to be and I enjoy kibbitzing with WSBers!

  • Chet August 16, 2007 (11:23 am)

    Flowerpetal – Thanks for what you said. No hard feelings.
    I like talking with people on here too. Cheers :)

  • huindekmi August 16, 2007 (12:54 pm)

    You can blame the MLB Players Union. The contract requires that teams play an afternoon game whenever it is the last game of a series and one of the teams has to travel over X (can’t remember how long) hours to reach their next destination. That’s why you have to play day games during the week.

    Since the Twins were heading back to Minnesota (big distance, losing time due to time zone changes, etc) both the team and the league were legally bound to play a day game. The contract does not allow for exemptions due to construction and so forth.

  • Flowerpetal August 16, 2007 (2:55 pm)

    Huindekmi, that’s just the kind of useless trivia that I love to know! Thanks. I will be able to remember that quicker than the name of some important client!

Sorry, comment time is over.