LOST DOG: Livvy – BACK HOME – June 21, 2021 5:19 pm

(Livvy the Whippet mix found her way back home! Info removed)

8 Replies to "LOST DOG: Livvy - BACK HOME"

  • Kathleen June 21, 2021 (5:33 pm)

    Hi this is my dog, I made a mistake in the listing, her tag read Livvy, I forgot we had new ones made recently. Thanks for all your help!

  • Jane June 21, 2021 (5:52 pm)

    Hi, I saw a dog walking up 46th Ave SW just past Admiral Way sometime before noon today. Probably 10:30 – 11:30am. I was on the other side of Admiral going for a walk so I couldn’t go and check on the dog. I also don’t live in that area and was without a car so didn’t see how I could help even if I could reach the dog.But from my vantage point from across the road the dog seemed to be a tannish color and definitely a similar size to the one pictured. The dog  was walking up the sidewalk (46th Ave SW), walking away from Admiral Way. I watched it until I turned right on Admiral – But it appeared to me to be alone. I’ve been checking WSB all day in the hopes that someone would post having found a dog in that area.I hope you find your dog soon!

    • Ross Colebrook June 23, 2021 (5:54 am)

      Hi Jane, we’re still looking for her as of 6/23. Do you know if she was walking north or south? (Was she north or south of Admiral way when you saw her?)

  • Kathleen June 21, 2021 (5:57 pm)

    Thank you so much for responding! We have people out looking and we’re hoping we find her soon! 

  • Cristi June 21, 2021 (6:10 pm)

    At about 10:30 – 11:30am I saw a dog walking up 46th Ave SW – just past Admiral Way. It was a tannish colored dog. I couldn’t see the dog very well as I was on the other side of the road. I was all the way on the other side of Admiral going for a walk but noticed the dog and watched it as it walked up 46th Ave SW seemingly without anyone following it.I’ve been checking WSB all day in the hopes that somebody would post a missing or found dog.I don’t live in that area and was without a car, so didn’t think I could really help at the moment.I hope you find your dog soon.

  • Ross June 21, 2021 (6:41 pm)

    Thank you for the update; we’re still looking for her as of 6:40pm. She seems to have been spotted by a bunch of people in the Alki/Admiral area, so if anyone sees her please let us know, we’re very worried!

  • Ross Colebrook June 21, 2021 (6:43 pm)

    Thanks for the update! We’re still looking for her as of 6:45pm. She’s been spotted all around Alki and Admiral so hopefully she’s seen again soon! We’re very worried. 

  • cristi June 25, 2021 (9:00 am)

    So happy to hear that Livvy is home again!!!

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