FOUND CAT: Recognize this tuxedo? – January 6, 2018 10:44 pm

This cat has been hanging out on my front porch the last several days. Other neighbors have noticed the same. We think he/she is lost. I’m located near Alki Point on Alki Ave. That’s where the cat is hanging out. I would let him/in but my cat is not liking the visitor. I’m leaving food out for the cat. It will probably be back. Deidre – 206-898-8189

7 Replies to "FOUND CAT: Recognize this tuxedo?"

  • waikikigirl January 7, 2018 (4:32 am)

    I know it’s hard not to because your 1st instinct is that the cat is homeless but once you start feeding a cat it will keep coming back for more no matter how much it is fed and loved at home…and oh how I know, we have one in our neighborhood and I fell victim to her notoriously mooching ways and cute face! We call her Mini the Moocher.

    But I do hope this is all this cat is doing and the owners see this and keep her close to home.

  • Paddy Reardon January 9, 2018 (5:22 pm)

     We have this sweet little guy inside our house next door to original poster, Diedre, for now. Somebody must be missing him… he is so affectionate and sweet! We will keep checking back  for any  new comments on this thread.

  • MD January 10, 2018 (1:36 pm)

    I think that this cat may live in the house next to my apartment building, near the block of 60th and Stevens. I’ve seen her there multiple times in the past few months and she always seems happy and loves scratches. My bet is she is an indoor/outdoor cat who just likes attention & food, I have one of those too! ;)

  • Liz January 11, 2018 (9:36 pm)

    Is that a half mustache or a funny picture? I’m looking for my male cat, looks very similar but only has a black nose (instead of pink). No mustache 

  • Liz January 11, 2018 (9:37 pm)

    • Paddy reardon January 27, 2018 (5:39 pm)

      He definitely has a half mustache. Also,  he’s not  fixed,  he’s very sweet (except to our cat, probably because our cat is fixed and much older),  he always seems hungry, he’s great with children, and obviously he has been loved… We would love to make sure he finds his people. Will try to post a better picture this evening

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