Two weeks till West Seattle Summer Fest in The Junction!

June 26, 2010 9:34 pm
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Two weeks from tonight, you’ll be dancing in the streets – if you feel like it – at West Seattle Summer Fest in The Junction (co-sponsored by WSB). It’s coming up July 9-10-11, and the website’s being updated with more on what you’ll find and who you’ll see during three days of free entertainment and activities – including the music lineup first previewed here three weeks ago. From 5:45 pm Friday through 3:45 pm Sunday, most of the schedule’s now up, in order of appearance, here. And there’s more than music – from the Rat City Rollergirls to the Art Dive, Big Purple Slide, and Super Terrific Happy Fun Zone, that’s all listed here, with times and places. Then there’s the five-page list of vendors – listed in alphabetical order, starting here. It all kicks off at 10 am Friday, July 9, and runs till 5 pm Sunday, July 11 – and also mark your calendar for the West Seattle Art Walk on Summer Fest Eve, 6-9 pm Thursday, July 8 – there’ll be extra fun that night too.

Happening now: ‘Field Day’ at South Seattle Community College

June 26, 2010 5:44 pm
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Thanks to Ron Zuber, one of the amateur-radio operators participating in Field Day at South Seattle Community College (who also happens to be a preparedness pro), for sharing photos from Day 1 of the annual event. (This page explains the GOTA in the photo above.) This morning, Ron says, operators were working to make contact with stations in other states including Idaho and California. He explains, “Field Day is a chance for non-hams to participate with experienced hams and make contact all over the world.”

Among many other activities in which they participate, hams also are involved in emergency preparedness in a big way – if and when regular channels of communication go down, they are ready to get involved and facilitate communication in a nimble, portable way. Field Day participants usually welcome visitors, and you can find them in the field on the southeast side of the SSCC campus, just past Olympic Hall (just look for tents and equipment) – Field Day is really more like “Field Day and a Half,” considering they’ll be there till noon tomorrow.

West Seattle Reservoir/Westcrest Park design concept revealed

(Rendering of new “design concept” for the park atop now-covered West Seattle Reservoir in Highland Park)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Extra space for offleash dogs, new parking, a “skate dot,” and kinetic-sculpture art likened to characters from Wall-E are all parts of the design concept for the West Seattle Reservoir/Westcrest park expansion, just unveiled this morning during the project’s fourth and final public design meeting at Southwest Community Center.

In general, comments were positive, though concerns remain – read on for the key points of what’s new and what people are concerned about – we also have images from this morning’s presentation, which isn’t on the Parks website yet:Read More

Happening now: Quilts on display at Bridge Park in West Seattle

Till 5 pm at Bridge Park Retirement Community (WSB sponsor) in High Point, on SW Morgan across from Neighborhood Center and Commons Park – you can come see the work of the Piecemakers, a West Seattle quilting group that’s been meeting for 20 years (and still includes some of its original members). They’re offering giveaways, including one prize described as “a gorgeous quilted wall hanging.” (added) Here’s a photo – it’s a charity-fundraising raffle:

Bridge Park is at 3204 SW Morgan (here’s a map).

Photos and video: ‘Hands Across the Sand’ at Alki

ORIGINAL 12 PM “HAPPENING NOW” REPORT: On the beach right now – 157 people holding hands as part of “Hands Across the Sand.” It’s part of a nationwide demonstration against offshore oil drilling and for clean-energy development.

More info here; more photos to come. ADDED 1:52 PM: Here’s one courtesy of Cathy, as the participants gathered at Alki Statue of Liberty:

And another of ours:

ADDED 4:14 PM: Two video clips – one as the line formed, and one in which we talked with organizers:

That’s Stacia Jenkins and Rick Harlan.

From ‘in case you wondered’ dept.: Big track/field meet @ SWAC

June 26, 2010 10:22 am
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Arriving for the West Seattle Reservoir (at Westcrest) Park project meeting at Southwest Community Center – a surprise: The parking’s jammed; side streets are lined with cars too. Big event at the Southwest Athletic Complex: The Pacific Northwest Association Junior Track and Field Championships. The event is happening all weekend – here’s the schedule.

Update: Ruby Room handbag donations continue at Click!

June 26, 2010 9:50 am
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(Photo courtesy Frances Smersh)
Those are some of the handbags donated during last night’s event at Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor), for the Ruby Room, which provides teenage girls access to formal wear they couldn’t otherwise afford. If you missed the event with Nyla Bittermann – who leads the Seattle Ruby Room effort (and runs Cherry Consignment in The Junction) – no worries, you can bring a “gently used” handbag to Click! all weekend, and qualify for a 20 percent discount on a new one. The Click! website has the latest on some of what’s in stock.

Alki trash trouble: Can’t we all just pick up after ourselves?

Alki photographer David Hutchinson has contributed so many breathtaking scenes to WSB – and a few others that evoke something closer to sighs of disgust. This one’s from Thursday, but the issue is unfortunately timeless. He wrote: “It was a beautiful sunrise at Alki Beach (Thursday) morning – until I took a closer look.”

He continues:

This type of scene was repeated at many of the metal fire containers from 59th Ave east along Alki Ave for 3 blocks. There was also a good deal of litter around the picnic tables just east of the Bathhouse. I realize that the photo was taken before the Parks crew made their morning rounds, but I think it’s a shame that visitors to the beach feel free to leave it in this condition.

Also today: Field Day, fútbol, Little League All-Stars, magic…

June 26, 2010 8:30 am
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Last night and early today, we previewed some of today’s big events – including the West Seattle Reservoir Park design meeting (10 am @ Southwest Community Center) and Hands Across the Sand (11 am @ Alki), plus the Alaskan Way Viaduct and northbound 1st Avenue South Bridge closures – here are more:

SOCCER: If you haven’t already planned where to watch the USA vs. Ghana World Cup soccer match at 11:30 am, here’s our list of West Seattle venues that have been putting the games on their bigscreens; then tonight, a film full of the flavor of soccer mania screens again at 7 pm at Admiral Theater – “Argentina Futbol Club” – the subtitled trailer’s above.

GENESEE HILL SCHOOL CLEANUP 9 AM to 1 PM – A garden and grounds clean-up Genesee Hill School Playground! Come for a bit, or stay the whole time! Members of the Genesee-Schmitz Neighborhood Council are organizing a community clean-up event for the the north playground, raised beds, nature area and play structure at the vacant Genesee Hill School. At SW Dakota and 51st Ave SW. Tools and gloves provided.

‘FIELD DAY’ ALL WEEKEND: Ham radio operators’ Field Day at South Seattle Community College – they’re set up in the field on the southeast side of the SSCC campus.

TOOL LIBRARY: While you’re at SSCC, check out the new West Seattle Tool Library on the north side – its regular Saturday hours are 9 am-2 pm.

LITTLE LEAGUE ALL-STARS: All-Star play for West Seattle Little League gets under way, and some of the teams are playing at Bar-S on the east side of Alki Point – details here.

SWAP MEET/FLEA MARKET: 9 am to 5 pm at White Center Eagles, 10452 15th Ave SW
Their invite: “Come browse, come shop! Burgers & dogs served hot off the grill all afternoon. Bring your sweet tooth, baked goods also available for sale.”

FOR THE BIRDS: Save Our Amazing Raptors, West Seattle (Admiral) Library branch, 11 am (details here)

MAGIC AT YOUNGSTOWN: Another Saturday night magic show at Youngstown Arts Center, 6:30 pm – more info at

West Seattle/Fauntleroy YMCA T-ball celebration today

June 26, 2010 1:00 am
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Sports Director Matt Schlede from the West Seattle and Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor) has two bits of news to report:

One of our West Seattle & Fauntleroy YMCA t-ball teams was chosen to throw out the first pitch at last Sunday’s Mariners game vs. the Cincinnati Reds (Youth Baseball Day). Attached is a picture of some of them with Jason Vargas; pictured are Orion Bohus, Aina Sulcs, Henry First, Skye Milne, Campbell Howe. Campbell was the one who actually threw the first pitch to Skye.

Matt also reports that the end-of-season barbecue is today at EC Hughes – you’ll see YMCA players out there, with a bounce house, 10 am-6 pm, and the Mariners Moose 11 am-1 pm. P.S. Interested in sports at the Y? From Matt’s sig, the lists of when the Y does what:Read More

SPD crime-prevention cuts? Latest sign it might really happen

The West Seattle Crime Prevention Council‘s been bringing it up at every meeting for months (as noted in reports such as this one) – the federal grant that currently pays for the civilian position of Crime Prevention Coordinator runs out next year, and that could mean the job will be cut. Benjamin Kinlow is the man who holds it in the Southwest Precinct, and he’s been busier than ever lately, responding to Block Watch organizing requests, and speaking at neighborhood-council meetings (he’s on the agenda for the Alki Community Council July 15th; photo at left shows him at the Admiral Neighborhood Association). Tonight reports on another indication that the handful of jobs like Kinlow’s – he’s even been helping another precinct whose coordinator was cut last year – may be axed: A meeting is reported to have been held this week, at which the coordinators were given a warning their jobs might end, as well as, one is quoted as saying, information on programs such as retirement benefits and COBRA. Read the report here; here’s the take on it. And here’s the flyer the West Seattle advocates have been distributing.

Tomorrow: Viaduct closure; reservoir park; Hands Across the Sand…

3 reminders tonight in case you forgot these were happening tomorrow:

ALASKAN WAY VIADUCT CLOSURE (AND HALF THE 1ST AVENUE S. BRIDGE): The Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon closes the Alaskan Way Viaduct for much of tomorrow – both directions from 4 am to 1 pm, according to WSDOT, and the northbound deck stays closed past that, till 4 pm. Also, the northbound side of the 1st Avenue South Bridge will be closed 5 am-11 am tomorrow and Sunday for maintenance.

WEST SEATTLE RESERVOIR (WESTCREST) PARK MEETING: Tomorrow morning is the fourth public meeting to discuss design of the new parkland atop the newly covered reservoir at Westcrest Park in Highland Park. This time, the all-but-final design will be shown. The meeting’s 10 am-noon at Southwest Community Center. (Notes from past meetings, and other project info, can be seen here.)

HANDS ACROSS THE SAND: As first mentioned last weekend, Alki is one of the beaches around the country where people will gather to show opposition to offshore drilling and support for “clean energy.” Gather at the Bathhouse starting at 11; the demonstration starts at noon. Official info at

DELRIDGE ALLEY CLEANUP: They’re winning kudos – and fighting a war against trash, overgrowth and neglect. The alley cleanup crew will be back behind Delridge Library tomorrow, 10 am-2 pm. Here’s our story from their last round of work; you’re welcome to join them.

After 3 years, a thumbs-up for California SW ‘upzoning’ proposal

upzonescreengrab.jpgAlmost three years after it was originally proposed, the recommended zoning change for California SW between Hanford and Hinds (and a bit beyond, on the west side) is moving ahead. We got first word from one of the property owners who first proposed it in 2007, Mike Gain. It’s not reflected yet on the project’s Department of Planning and Development webpage, but DPD’s Bryan Stevens confirms to WSB that the notice is about to be published:

DPD’s recommendation on the rezone request will be published for public viewing on Monday. There will be a 14-day appeal period which initiates upon publication and a required hearing with the City’s Hearing Examiner to review the department’s recommendation. The date for the hearing has been tentatively scheduled for August 18th at 9 am. After the hearing, the Hearing Examiner will issue findings and make a recommendation to City Council to help inform their decision on the rezone proposal.

According to Gain: “The Director’s Report supports the rezone of the 3200 block of California Ave SW from NC1-30 to NC2-40. This essentially would return it to its previous zoning while allowing for one additional floor and increased flexibility in the size and/or type of ground floor retail.” He adds:

This rezone has undergone a lot of review and received substantial public comment. We are pleased with the decision. Several benefits to this that will occur over time are that it will:

· Help enhance the California Ave “corridor”
· Encourage job creation and business vitality
· Maintain and enhance neighborhood character
· Provide more and a better mix of housing options
· Increase the number of goods and services that allow people to shop locally

As you are aware, in the 1980’s this area was zoned for 40’ and is consistent with surrounding building heights. For some unknown reason and no notice the city down-zoned this area. Since that time there has been little reinvestment – many businesses have come and gone – while some storefronts remain vacant for lengthy periods of time. This rezone will help to change that.

When the proposal was first made, it stirred a fair amount of controversy, which we covered extensively – as archived here (reverse chronological order). Gain and partner Roger Cayce had not put forward a specific project proposal for the area, but at one point along the way, discussed their ideas with WSB. We will be continuing to follow this process, including any proposals they may bring forward in the future. MONDAY MORNING UPDATE: We’re writing a separate story, but in the meantime, here’s the link to the DPD page with the “director’s report,” officially published today as expected.

Update: World Harmony Run in West Seattle

The World Harmony Run — which “seeks to promote international friendship and understanding” — is in West Seattle this afternoon, and its journey along the peninsula began with a stop at Providence Mount St. Vincent, where King County Executive Dow Constantine presented a Torch-Bearer Award to Providence Senior and Community Services executive Charlene Boyd, a former administrator at The Mount. (They’re shown with Daulot Fountain.) On hand for the event – more than 100 residents and preschoolers – the kids are from the intergenerational education program at The Mount. They all were invited to walk/run/roll a relay around the building, and then the official torch runners are scheduled to run on to the Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza, starting around 3:30 pm.

ADDED 8:05 PM: Here’s video from the lap around The Mount:


Then, from photographer David Hutchinson, the official World Harmony runners arriving at the Alki Statue of Liberty:

Happening now: West Seattle Rotary Berry Sale behind Safeway

June 25, 2010 3:06 pm
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Clouds? What clouds? Bring out the shades – and the strawberries – and we can all be in a summer frame of mind. Day 1 of the Rotary Club of West Seattle Berry Sale (WSB sponsor), and – from left – Melissa Haynes, Greg Whitney, and Ann Avery are in the lot behind Safeway till 6 pm; if you’ve preordered (which you can do online) this is the pickup spot, but walkup sales are available too, and Rotarians will be back 9 am-3 pm tomorrow (plus two more rounds of berries – raspberries and blueberries – later in the summer).

More money for the South Park Bridge

(Photo courtesy Paul Dieter – showing Langdon Cook, who writes Fat of the Land, pulling in pink salmon)
According to King County Councilmember Jan Drago‘s office, a state commission the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board has just committed another $10 million to the new South Park Bridge – meaning $80 million of the $130 million needed. 5:20 PM UPDATE: More details now in an official county news release:Read More

2 West Seattleites help raise rainbow flag atop the Space Needle

(Photo by Aaron Last)
As Pride Weekend arrives in Seattle, the rainbow flag is flying over the Space Needle for the first time. And as you see in the photo above, two West Seattleites helped raise it. The photo is courtesy of one of them, State Sen. (and King County Council candidate) Joe McDermott (right) – that’s West Seattle resident and Seattle Storm owner (among many other high-profile roles) Anne Levinson just left of Sen. McDermott, with City Councilmember Sally Clark and State Rep. Jamie Pedersen. Sen. McDermott adds, “People are welcome to email me at if they want to walk with me in the Pride Parade at 11 am Sunday morning in Downtown Seattle!”

From White Center Now: Popular Deputy Jeff Hancock leaving

The King County Sheriff’s Office storefront-deputy role in White Center is a huge one – spotlighted by the murder of Deputy Steve Cox. The community has been abuzz over rumors that his successor, Deputy Jeff Hancock, is leaving – and now they’ve been confirmed. Our partner site White Center Now broke the story last night and has new details today.

‘Holding Patterns’ idea for The Hole: Beer, dogs, movies, sculpture

The Seattle Design Commission has just announced its finalists in the Holding Patterns competition, first reported here two months ago – asking people citywide to pitch ideas for stalled development sites, such as “The Hole” at Fauntleroy/Alaska/49th. They received 83While nothing obviously from West Seattle made the finalist cut, there was one proposal we thought you’d like to see, after SDC’s Valerie Kinast pointed us to it. It’s a “Beer Garden, Dog Park, Outdoor Movies, Sculpture Mound” concept for The Hole – check out the entire five-page proposal here (with some even-more-whimsical drawings) – and you can see all the finalists and honorable mentions by going here. Kinast tells WSB that even though this wasn’t chosen as a finalist, the SC might still help try to make something happen with The Hole: “We are considering all of the major stalled project sites, so just because this didn’t make the cut doesn’t mean that the site isn’t still on our radar. We will be working through which sites have potential in the coming weeks.”

NOW: West Seattle Community Car Wash – 3 sites, 2 charities

June 25, 2010 10:59 am
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Under way right now – the three-location West Seattle Community Car Wash to benefit the WS Food Bank and World Vision’s Haiti relief work. Any time before 4 pm, you can get your car washed at the State Farm office at 4727 44th SW (that’s where West Seattle High School cheerleaders are helping out right now, as shown in the top photo; Husky Deli proprietor Jack Miller will be among the volunteers on hand at 1 pm), at John L. Scott (5242 California SW), and at Keller Williams (4452 California SW), where we also stopped for an early photo:

Rain does NOT appear to be in the forecast today, so if you can make it to any of those spots by 4 pm, get your car washed for a good cause. They’re also collecting nonperishable food donations as well as packaged diapers.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 4 cases from the inbox

In West Seattle Crime Watch this morning, a few new reports from the inbox – for starters, first catalytic-converter theft we’ve heard about in a while. The victim says it was cut off their 2000 Toyota 4Runner on Avalon Way yesterday in the Luna Park business district “in broad daylight” and is upset that no one apparently called police while it was happening. Next, a car prowl, a burglary, and a bike theft (latter one added at 11:40 am) – read on:Read More

West Seattle Friday: Car wash; torch; Click! + Ruby Room …

David Ginsberg spotted that little critter in a big High Point-area maple tree earlier this month. If we had to caption it, we’d say “Hang on, Friday’s here.” As are its highlights: The West Seattle Community Car Wash, 10 am-4 pm at three locations, raising money for food banks and Haiti relief (bring nonperishable food donations too) … The World Harmony Run torch arrives at The Mount this afternoon and then runners take it to Alki – full details in our preview … Tonight, a give-and-get handbag event at Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) – Click! is teaming up with Nyla from Cherry Consignment, president of the local chapter of The Ruby Room, a non-profit that helps teenage girls get formal wear for their special occasions. 6-9 pm tonight, bring a gently used handbag to donate and receive 20% off a new bag. … Also: Rainbow Bingo at the Senior Center … a barbecue and movie at Hiawatha Community CenterThe Swinery’s “grand reopening” party … the Rotary Club of West Seattle‘s first berry-pickup day (and you can walk up to buy, too), 1-6 behind Admiral Safeway … Even more on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar.

Anniversaries in The Junction: CAPERS = 25, Sweetie = 7

June 25, 2010 4:32 am
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A night for anniversary celebrations last night in The Junction – above left, that’s CAPERSLisa Myers with Lisa Barnes, toasting her store’s 25th anniversary. It’s gone through changes over the years – we’re still nostalgic for the pumpkin muffins! – but the end result is that it’s still alive and kicking – you can keep up with what’s new through the CAPERS website as well as Twitter. And across the street, it was anniversary night for one of West Seattle’s popular boutiques:

Note the champagne bottle – it’s the 7th anniversary for Sweetie and owner Joeanna Purdie, pictured with Karen Krupp and Heather Kirk Riley. Sweetie’s updates are online here, as well as on Facebook.