The World Harmony Run — which “seeks to promote international friendship and understanding” — is in West Seattle this afternoon, and its journey along the peninsula began with a stop at Providence Mount St. Vincent, where King County Executive Dow Constantine presented a Torch-Bearer Award to Providence Senior and Community Services executive Charlene Boyd, a former administrator at The Mount. (They’re shown with Daulot Fountain.) On hand for the event – more than 100 residents and preschoolers – the kids are from the intergenerational education program at The Mount. They all were invited to walk/run/roll a relay around the building, and then the official torch runners are scheduled to run on to the Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza, starting around 3:30 pm.
ADDED 8:05 PM: Here’s video from the lap around The Mount:
Then, from photographer David Hutchinson, the official World Harmony runners arriving at the Alki Statue of Liberty: