Happening now: Jellyfish-glassblowing at Avalon Glassworks

November 27, 2010 12:45 pm
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 |   Luna Park | West Seattle businesses | West Seattle news

On this “Small Business Saturday,” remember the smaller business districts of West Seattle too – like Luna Park, along Avalon Way just south of the West Seattle Bridge, where you will find Avalon Glassworks. Luckie shared photos from today’s glassblowing demonstration, featuring glass jellyfish created by guest artist Richard Lowrie.

You can go watch till 5 pm today – and Luckie also notes that Avalon Glassworks has a food drive under way; bring a donation and you’ll get $1 off a purchase.

Followup: West Seattle Fabric Company opening soon

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

On this first Small Business Saturday, one small business in West Seattle won’t be welcoming customers today.

But not because its proprietor doesn’t want to!

Monica Skov is beyond eager to get her West Seattle Fabric Company open for business at 2210 California SW, where would-be customers are sticking their heads in to ask the big question: When will it be open? Answer: First half of December – Monica’s expecting to announce her grand-opening date sometime next week.

In the meantime, she is stocking the store; many have asked us for a progress report since our original story appeared last month, so we stopped in for an update a few days before the wintry weather started dominating the news. The photo above shows the north wall that’s filled with notions; other shelves in the store were starting to fill with fabrics, from flannel to oilcloth and many types inbetween, including patterns specifically for creating kids’ items (one based on the popular board book “Very Hungry Caterpillar” caught our eye). She plans to carry a “small selection of simple patterns” too. And the step-up section with most of the fabric has a central shelf on which you’ll be able to leave your choices till you’re ready to check out and have them cut into the length you need.

“It’s like the walk-in closet of my dreams,” she smiled, showing us around.

Monica also showed off other spaces in the store – spaces you might not have seen even if you visited the space in its previous incarnations. She is hoping to host classes — and eventually group gatherings — in those back spaces, which even include kitchenette and bathroom access (left over from an earlier life as residential space), describing it as “a place for people to be creative.” Not just experts: “I want to inspire people of all ages that maybe don’t even know how to sew!”

But till opening day, the bolts of fabric are just part of the nuts and bolts of opening a business – inventory, database. Then sometime next month, it’ll be time to welcome those “creative” customers, who have been without a fabric store in West Seattle for two and a half years.

West Seattle gets regional spotlight for ‘Small Business Saturday’

Three West Seattle businesses got a quick spotlight in that KING 5 story aired during last night’s newscast – all because they’re getting the word out that today is Small Business Saturday nationwide, meant to be a counterpoint to the bigbox-store emphasis during Black Friday. Watch the story and you’ll see Alki Bike and Board, CAPERS, and Sweetie. (Alki Bike and Board also is part of the WSB West Seattle Holiday Shopping/Business Guide, which we’re offering as another advertising showcase for local businesses this holiday season. They’ve got special deals; so does Clementine, another participant, which also has a hat trunk show/artist reception today. Also among those in the midst of a sale: WSB sponsor Mountain to Sound Outfitters.) One thing to consider about small local businesses: As Monday’s snow and road/bus woes reminded us, our peninsula can sometimes be more like an island, and a thriving local business community means you can find what you need here, especially during those times when you can’t (or don’t want to) leave!

West Seattle Saturday preview: From Santa to ‘spree’

If you aren’t feeling holiday-ish enough yet – tomorrow could cure that. You have three places to find unique gift possibilities, and two chances to give.

Saturday starts with the second day of the Native Holiday Gift Fair at the Duwamish Longhouse (4705 West Marginal Way SW), 10 am-5 pm; we heard a rave review today about the variety of native art available. Then at 11 am, the Highland Park Holiday Bazaar takes over the HP Improvement Club (11th/Holden) – here’s the latest update on the amazing array of handmade offerings you’ll find there, 11 am-4 pm. From there, you can move on over to Sustainable West Seattle‘s annual Money-Free Spending Spree – bring a handmade item or service to trade, and bring home a special gift – 4 to 8 pm at Camp Long Lodge (5200 35th SW).

Tomorrow also brings Santa’s debut at Westwood Village, noon-4 pm – photos are free with a food bank donation; bring diapers too, since they’re collecting for WestSide Baby (particularly sizes 3-6), and get ready to grab a card off the Giving Tree. Santa’s House is in the heart of WV, across from 24 Hour Fitness and Eats Market Café.

Then tomorrow night is the rescheduled benefit for Sofia Goff and family, 7 pm-midnight at Kenyon Hall – food, entertainment, silent auction, and a raffle – the latest details are at caferevo.com. Newly added: Your chance to pre-order a copy of the forthcoming Café Revo cookbook.

Tough break for West Seattle ‘Spectacular’ on ceremony’s eve

Tomorrow night at 7, the gala lighting ceremony is still on for the Christmas-lights display dubbed the Helmstetler Family Spectacular (if that doesn’t jog a memory, check this story from last year) – but family friend and display mastermind Jim Winder says what you see in the photo above is the reason why it won’t be as spectacular as they’d planned:

Last night we did our first show for family and neighbors…

but then, sometime last night/early this morning my Big Tree broke. There is no way I can have it fixed for the scheduled Lighting Ceremony on Saturday (or probably even this year), but as of right now we are still planning on doing the lighting ceremony … there will just be a LOT fewer lights than originally planned.

After receiving that note, we asked Jim if there’s anything anyone can do to help (since we knew someone would ask):

Right now I am trying to figure out what to do, but it more than likely won’t include putting that tree back up…even though it was going to be the “highlight” of the display.

Don’t think there is much anyone can do, as that tree pretty much took me all summer to build…just don’t have the time or resources to rebuild it. And even if I did, nothing is assured it would not happen again. So…back to the drawing board!!

Given the splendor of last year’s synchronized-to-music display, you’re still likely to be delighted by whatever results – Jim’s been working on it all year. Here are the details of Saturday night’s ceremony; here’s where to find it (3908 SW Charlestown); and here’s the season’s schedule.

West Seattle Christmas trees: Holy Rosary’s move, and more

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Taking a post-Thanksgiving look around the West Seattle Christmas-tree-sales landscape – we start with the Holy Rosary School Christmas Tree Sale‘s big move.

Its most recent home behind Admiral Safeway is now a busy construction zone (seen the webcam lately?), so they’re selling trees on their own campus this year – and since it’s a tiny bit off the beaten track, they’re going all out to get the word out, with the lot opening tomorrow.

One recent windblown, pre-snow afternoon, we stopped by the campus for a tree-site-to-be tour with Holy Rosary’s Sarah Dahleen and principal Dr. Randal Peters.

The parking lot shown above is the intended site for the trees – between the north side of the school building and the south side of the school playground. Might be a bit of a distraction for the students, they acknowledge, but “it’ll smell great.” Also, the lot won’t be open during school hours – it’ll be open 3:30-9 pm weekdays, 9 am-9 pm weekends (with candy canes and cocoa for tree-shoppers on Sundays), through December 22nd.

The entrance will be from the alley off SW Dakota, between 42nd and 41st SW (map), and there’s parking in a lot west of where you’ll find the trees.

One thing hasn’t changed: 15% of the Holy Rosary lot’s proceeds will benefit three local charities: The Salvation Army’s Hickman House, which provides shelter to women and children getting away from domestic abuse; West Seattle Helpline; and the West Seattle Food Bank.

Not only has this long been the only tree lot with its own website, it’ll also have extra marketing this year to spread the word – signs are out around West Seattle (we saw them by Walking on Logs this morning), billboard space was donated in The Triangle, and someone in a Christmas tree costume is likely to be found waving at you nearby when the lot’s open.

If you can’t wait till tomorrow, you can buy a tree at several other spots around the peninsula, including West Seattle Nursery (California/Brandon), Tony’s Produce (35th/Barton; the photo above is from Thanksgiving afternoon), Junction TrueValue (44th/Edmunds), West Seattle Produce (4721 Fauntleroy Way), The Home Depot (Delridge/Webster), both Rite-Aid stores, and Westwood Village QFC. And tree info will be available throughout the season on the WSB West Seattle Holidays page.

West Seattle holiday-shopping season: Support your local businesses

Toward that goal, we just launched Version 1.0 of the West Seattle Holiday Shopping/Business Guide – an extra advertising showcase for local businesses to invite you to stop in and explore gift possibilities this holiday season. It’ll be updated frequently, both with additions and with updates/new deals from participating businesses. Today, you’ll find some Black Friday deals (ones you didn’t have to wait in line pre-dawn to get!), among other things. Check it out here. Happy shopping! (Don’t forget to keep an eye on the Coupons page, too.)

Transit reminder: Metro schedule change; no Water Taxi

November 26, 2010 6:16 am
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 |   King County Water Taxi | Transportation | West Seattle news

If you don’t have the day off – note that the roads are clear, but since we’re in the midst of a four-day weekend, there are still some changes – Metro is on a “reduced weekday” schedule today; the King County Water Taxi and its shuttles are NOT running. As for Sound Transit, its express buses have some downtown rerouting this morning because of the Macy’s Parade.

West Seattle Black Friday: Westwood Village line, and other notes

Just received that photo from David Rosen of SlickPix Photography, who says he’s been in line at Westwood Village Target since 11 pm. David says the line’s still growing – despite the rain – and the first person in line has been there since 6 pm. According to the ads we’ve seen, Target’s opening at 4 am. (photo added – by the time Target opened, the line stretched all the way around the corner past Barnes and Noble and alongside Chico’s!)

As for other WV bigboxes – Bed, Bath & Beyond is also opening at 4 am, Staples opens at 6 am. And if you’re shopping at the Westwood Barnes and Noble today, there’s a Bookfair benefiting Roxhill Elementary School – use the coupon that’s linked here (which is good at the store through December 3rd) and tip the gift-wrappers (tips benefit Roxhill, today only).

IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT THE BIGBOXES: Many West Seattle independent stores are rolling the welcome mat out further than ever; we’re rolling out Version 1.0 of a special local holiday-shopping guide in the next few hours – stand by for details!

SEALTH BAND IN MACY’S PARADE: The big downtown parade later this morning is scheduled to feature the Chief Sealth International High School Marching Band again this year, according to the lineup in a news release from parade sponsor Macy’s (which also describes the parade route). The parade starts at 9 am; doesn’t appear anyone’s televising it.

Followup: Storm-evicted, & rescued, Lincoln Park bees’ ‘comeback’

In addition to the eroded shorelines we’ve shown you, Monday night’s fierce wind also brought down trees – and as seen here Tuesday afternoon, a wild beehive came crashing down with one of those trees in Lincoln Park. In the comments on that story, we all learned they’d been rescued … and their rescuer Rob added a comment a day later with an update. We e-mailed Rob to ask if he might share new photos and more information on how the bees are doing; he obliged, with some background:

By the path along the bluff of Lincoln Park, a tall fir tree grew and a half dead maple tree had grown with its trunk wrapped around that of the fir. In the space between these trunks and in the rotting maple a wild bee-hive made its home. I have watched this hive over about the past four years, but last year I had concluded that the hive must have failed during the long wet spring.

I was wrong, and the hive must simply have made itself another entrance from the one I had been watching, because when Monday night’s wind took down the fir and the rotted maple with it, there was the hive smashed up on the ground in among the tangle and rubble of the shattered trees. The temperature was in the teens Tuesday morning, so I was utterly astonished to see bees still alive and clustering around the broken fragments of honeycomb.

I keep bees, but all my good equipment is stored at my bee yard on Bainbridge. Still I had an old box lying around, so I scooped up all that I could of this hive, thinking it was a lost cause, but worth the try for the sake of sentiment if nothing else.

Amazingly, this tough old hive seems to be making a comeback. At the moment I just have the boxed fragments in the spare bedroom keeping warm, but the level of activity and work around the old combs makes me think the ladies may be viable. I have long felt that different hives have distinct personalities, and this one is certainly a rugged, determined survivor.

This weekend I’ll be able to make a trip over to Bainbridge and bring back a proper home for the girls, along with some fresh frames and comb foundation, and set them up so they can make a go of it. I’ve long wanted to make an observation hive, so I think I will set this up indoors for the time being with a sealed gangway out a window. That way, in their weakened state, they will have a better chance and will be less likely to starve for energy to keep warm.

Thank you to WSBlog and all the followers and commenters who have taken an interest in this little saga. I will send updates of news of their progress. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

West Seattle storm aftermath: More beach erosion

“Where did all that driftwood go?” asked Anne and Clarence from Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor), sharing that photo from the north-facing Lincoln Park shoreline. Note the bulkhead wall, which appears to now be fully out of the sand. As shown here earlier this week, same thing happened to the north-facing Alki shoreline; here’s one previously unpublished photo of that, courtesy of David Hutchinson:

We know the city replenishes Alki sand from time to time (remember the chunky-sand trouble earlier this year?); not sure about Lincoln Park, but we’ll check in with Seattle Parks post-holiday weekend.

Mourning local Realtor and Real Estate Commissioner Dan Murphy

Regionally and nationally prominent West Seattle Realtor Dan Murphy has died, according to an announcement on the Washington Association of Realtors’ Facebook page, which says he died at a hospital late last night, adding, “Dan was an active leader with the Realtor Association on the local, state, and national levels.” He also was a member of the Washington State Real Estate Commission. Mr. Murphy worked from the Windermere Fauntleroy office. Thanks to Larry Nitkey (from West Seattle’s other Windermere office) for the tip. No word on services so far; we’ll add that information when it’s available. Mr. Murphy was 60 years old.

West Seattle Thanksgiving afternoon 2010: Big melt; free feasts

At left, the A-board sign announces the free Thanksgiving dinner that’s just started inside The Hall at Fauntleroy (the old schoolhouse is mostly out of view on the left). But the even bigger news is the view up that section of California SW to SW Barton – the big meltoff is under way, and the roads are getting better all the time. No more weather advisories; it’s raining lightly. Now, back inside The Hall at Fauntleroy, where Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering (WSB sponsor) and a team of volunteers invite you to the free feast continuing till 3 pm – a few scenes:

The Hall at Fauntleroy’s at 9131 California SW; here’s a map. As noted on the West Seattle Holidays page, the West Seattle Eagles also invite all, nonmembers included, to a free meal 2-5 pm today, 4426 California SW. And if you haven’t checked our “who’s open” list – coffee, restaurants, grocery stores, to the best of our research abilities – find it here. Hope you’re having a great holiday!

ADDED 12:56 PM: Before the snow’s all gone … Heidi writes, “… since the weather has warmed up in Sunrise Heights, the snow is perfect for making snowmen and my husband couldn¹t pass up the chance.” The result:

Wintry West Seattle Thanksgiving 2010: A little new snow

(10:47 AM TOPLINE: No major road problems reported; SDOT salting snow routes)

(Refresh for latest pic of WS Bridge, looking eastbound, and 1st Ave. S. Bridge, more on the WSB Traffic cams page)
Happy Thanksgiving Day! Starting a morning report with info and updates.

*Here’s our list of who was planning to be open in West Seattle today, coffee/groceries/restaurants; a few other Thanksgiving Day activities are on our West Seattle Holidays page. (10:30 AM note: Tweaked the list thanks to e-mail from Luke – Freshy’s is closed; Java Bean’s open.)

*Metro is on a Sunday schedule and snow routing; the Water Taxi is NOT running (nor are its shuttle buses).

*The cars out front have a new, light layer of snow, but currently, only the occasional flake is falling. Warmer than 24 hours earlier – 30 degrees at Boeing Field at 6 am; here’s the current Winter Weather Advisory. If you do have to drive today, please share info if you can, for others who have to hit the road for relatives’ homes, last-minute grocery shopping, etc. No major problems reported so far.

*Free community Thanksgiving dinners: Noon-3 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy, courtesy of Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering (WSB sponsor), 9131 California SW; 2 pm-5 pm at West Seattle Eagles, 4426 California SW.

The WSBeat: Where there’s smoke, there’s … warrants

By Megan Sheppard
On the WSBeat, for West Seattle Blog

From reports on cases handled recently by Southwest Precinct officers:

*Thursday afternoon in Morgan Junction, the exhaust of one driver’s car was so thick that it seemed, to a passing officer, to be blinding the drivers who had the misfortune to be behind it. The officer made a U-turn to catch up to the driver, who simply hit the gas pedal (increasing the smoke) and refused to pull over until he reached his home on 47th SW. He was not carrying his license. A records check showed that he was wanted on three warrants: from Lynnwood ($5,100) for possessing drug paraphernalia), from Seattle for possession of cocaine, and from Seattle Municipal Court ($10,000) for assault. He was booked into King County Jail on the warrants and was cited for excessive smoke and for driving without a license.

(5 more summaries ahead:)Read More

West Seattle snow: 2 two-wheeled tales

Last night, we published a sort of a tribute to The Great Walk Home, endured by dozens, maybe hundreds, who just gave up on trying to navigate the roads via bus or car on Monday night. It’s also been pointed out that bicycles beat the gridlock too. West Seattleite Eric Shalit, above, has published a review of the gear that helped (including studded snow tires). You can read about it here.

And here’s a great tale of biking it home to West Seattle that snowy night, published at the Seattle Times (WSB partner) site, written by Times transportation reporter Mike Lindblom. His hook: The bike he used to beat the gridlock is a wide-tire model previously ridden only in Hawaii! (Mike also reported major chunks of the 5-section “Why Can’t Seattle Handle Snow?” story that’s been getting a lot of traction.)

Explorer West student volunteers help harvest, just in time

It was the big harvest before the big freeze. Aviva Furman from Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle shares the photos, explaining that she was joined at one of their local food gardens last Friday by 12 students from Explorer West Middle School (WSB sponsor) and teachers Steve White and Kristin Moore, as they harvested vegetables before the temps dropped: 14 poujnds of kale, carrots, and rutabaga, subsequently donated to the White Center Food Bank. Aviva adds, “They also worked the soil to prepare it for future crops: turning in a cover crop of buckwheat, and composting sunflowers that were long past their prime. A special ingredient, coffee grounds, donated by the Westwood Village Starbucks, was added to the mix.”

Joe McDermott sworn in as West Seattle’s County Councilmember

As of this afternoon, West Seattle’s Joe McDermott is the newest member of the King County Council, representing District 8, which also includes White Center and Vashon/Maury Islands. In the county-provided photo above, he was sworn in by Clerk of the Council Anne Noris, hours after the November 2nd election results were certified. The official news release announcing his swearing-in quotes Councilmember McDermott as saying, ““I am honored the voters of the 8th Council District chose me to serve them in a position that has a long legacy of strong, effective leadership … We must work together to provide meaningful and efficient government services with an eye to the future. We cannot let today’s economic crisis keep us from meeting our commitments in regional planning, environmental stewardship and public safety.” McDermott spent the past decade in the State Legislature, in the State Senate since 2007, following seven years in the State House. On the nine-member County Council, he succeeds Jan Drago, appointed early this year after the November 2009 election moved Dow Constantine up to County Executive; this election was for the remaining year of Constantine’s unexpired term, so the position will be back on the ballot in November 2011. Final certified results of this election are here; McDermott had 68 percent of the vote, Diana Toledo – also a West Seattleite – 32 percent. They were the top two finishers from a field of four in the August primary.

West Seattle volunteers nominated for Parks’ Denny Awards

Congratulations to 6 people associated with West Seattle programs/facilities who have been announced as nominees for the Seattle Parks and Recreation Department‘s annual Denny Awards for Outstanding Volunteer Stewardship. The Parks Department has just sent out a news release announcing nominees and that the awards will be revealed at a December 7th event on Lake Union – read on:Read More

West Seattle snow/ice: Wednesday pm updates; new ‘advisory’

(Refresh for latest pic of WS Bridge, looking eastbound, and 1st Ave. S. Bridge, more on the WSB Traffic cams page)
Starting this a little earlier than planned, as there are various things to note: South Seattle Community College is closing at 2 pm and canceling evening classes, for starters. This report will again be “stuck” to the top of the page, with newer news appearing below it for now. You can find the morning/midday/early-afternoon reader reports on road conditions by going here. If the clouds are worrying you, here’s the forecast as updated this morning:


2:34 PM: No road problems reported currently (or all day!), in case you were wondering. Also a reminder that both city libraries and community centers are closing at 5 pm.

4:48 PM UPDATE: No problems on the roads. Reminder that we have published our “who’s open Thanksgiving” list for restaurants, grocery stores, and coffee shops – find it here – and the West Seattle Holidays page has a few other Thanksgiving notes, such as holiday workouts. If you have to drive tomorrow morning to get to Grandma’s house (or anywhere else) for Thanksgiving, WSDOT warns that road ice is possible with temperatures still low and a “mix of rain or snow in the forecast.” (Since WSB is 24/7/365, if there’s anything you need to know in or around West Seattle, we’ll be here.)

5:01 PM UPDATE: There’s a new “winter weather advisory” in effect 6 pm tonight to 1 pm tomorrow, with that chance of light snow/flurries tonight/tomorrow morning, plus, once the temperatures warm tomorrow morning, “a chance of light freezing rain or light sleet.”

5:56 PM UPDATE: Metro will remain on snow routing through at least tomorrow morning. Tomorrow it’s on Sunday service; Friday it’s on “reduced weekday service.” And Thursday-Friday, there’s no King County Water Taxi (that goes for the shuttle buses too).

6:49 PM UPDATE: Via Facebook, Stacey reports some snowflakes in north West Seattle. Nothing down here so far.

Traffic alert: Highway 99 ramp closures next week

November 24, 2010 1:04 pm
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 |   Alaskan Way Viaduct | Not WS but we're mentioning it anyway

The Alaskan Way Viaduct emergency-earthquake-closure-gate system work continues – and that’ll bring some ramp closures next week along Highway 99 on both sides of downtown – read on:Read More

West Seattle Thanksgiving 2010: Who’s open tomorrow, and more

Now that the weather’s easing a bit – not to trivialize the low temperature, but at least it’s not snowing/blowing, and the main roads have been trouble-free – a few Thanksgiving notes:

LIST OF ‘WHO’S OPEN IN WEST SEATTLE‘: Ace researcher Katie has been making the calls and we now have Version 1.0 of the list of which food stores, coffee shops, and restaurants are open tomorrow. A few places didn’t answer and are being checked today, but so far, here’s who reported they’re open, and when. (We expect to have this in map format later, and will add addresses but for your advance planning, we present the first-draft text list.) This also is linked from the WSB West Seattle Holidays page. (1:37 pm note: We’ve added several more establishments to the list, so it’s now version 1.1.)

FREE THANKSGIVING DINNERS: In addition to the traditional Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering (WSB sponsor)-presented community meal tomorrow, noon-3 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy (9131 California SW) in the old schoolhouse, there’s one more: The West Seattle Eagles (4426 California SW) invite one and all to their free Thanksgiving Dinner, even if you’re not a member, 2-5 pm tomorrow. These, too, are listed on the WSB West Seattle Holidays page, if you lose track later. P.S. The Hall at Fauntleroy will accept pie/cookie donations till 4 pm today, after 9 am tomorrow.

WHAT LOCAL FOOD BANKS NEED TODAY: We have checked with both. The West Seattle Food Bank (35th/Morgan) says they need BAKED GOODS – bread, rolls, pastries, that type of thing. They are open for donations right now and will be distributing food noon-3 pm; after that, they’re closed for the holiday weekends. The White Center Food Bank tells us they do NOT have any immediate needs, but if you or someone you know needs food, they will be open till 7 pm. (Both food banks, of course, can always use money – they have maximum bulk purchasing power with your donations – donate online to WS Food Bank here, WC Food Bank here.)

TWO BLOOD DRIVES IN WEST SEATTLE TODAY: Puget Sound Blood Center says two drives are happening right now, partly to make up for 20 canceled elsewhere because of the weather. Here’s the latest information – Jefferson Square till 3 pm, Westwood Village till 3 pm. Full details here.

For more holiday info – check the frequently updated WSB Holidays page – and if you have an event/activity/request for holiday help (we have a section on that too), please let us know.

Help for the holidays: Now *two* West Seattle blood drives today

November 24, 2010 10:24 am
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 |   Announcements

An update from Puget Sound Blood Center – they’ve added a mobile drive in West Seattle today:

We are expecting a loss of 1200+ units this week due to the weather. Nearly 20 blood drives that have been canceled due to the icy weather. The majority of blood types are below operational levels with both O Negative and B Negative at Emergency Levels (less than a day supply). If at all possible, please donate today. Each and every donation really makes a huge difference when our community’s blood supply is this low. There are drives today near The Junction and Westwood:

When: Wednesday November 24th
Where: Jefferson Square- Bloodmobile on 42nd Ave SW at SW Alaska Intersection
Hours: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM (closed 11:30-12:30)

When: Wednesday November 24th
Where: Westwood Shopping Center- Barton Entrance by Pier 1
Hours: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM (closed 12-1pm)

For information about donating, contact Puget Sound Blood Center at 800-398-7888