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    people are dumping kittens on your front porch. It is going to be a TOUGH kitten season. Shelters are full. I don’t think I need to tell you what they are doing:(

    Adopt a thons at 3 different places this weekend:

    Alki All the Best Pet Saturday 19 11-5

    Forthsye Hair Salon Sunday 20 Noon-4

    Ideal pet in Seward Park Sunday 20 11-4

    Lot of black kittens the toughest color to adopt out. Still have the 2 deaf kittens.




    I think that’s a really good point. Shelters are overwhelmed. There was a discussion about no-kill shelters here awhile back. While it’s a great policy, it doesn’t matter if a shelter has committed to no-kill if they are FULL and can’t take any more.

    Please spay, neuter, and consider adopting, fostering, or supporting any of the local groups working toward the same goal (I can think of 4 off the top of my head, just in WS).



    Thanks for bringing this to our collective attention, hammerhead. Perhaps a change to the subject line would attract more readers to the post? I don’t know if that’s even possible. But thanks for letting me know, I’ll for sure be by this weekend!



    This is the same forum where people were adamant on their right to have their unaltered cats roam where ever they want. Nutering is going to fall on deaf ears. But I am sure you will get lots of “OOOOOH KITTENS!!!” type responses.



    Vincent, Vincent, Vincent………………



    Chill Vincent I do my damnest to s/n cats. I focus mostly on ferals. Please respect that I do about 1000 cats a year I would say about 95% true feral. These came from humans so blame the humans. I know you have vitrol(:)) towards cats, again I say shut up or put up.. I am at least trying to do something. All of these kittens will be s/n upon adoption.

    I even have an account for people who want to get their cats and even dogs s/n at South Seattle Vet. It is working. So again I ask that you please respect the fact that I am at LEAST doing something. I do hope you know this problem will NEVER go away, again as long as there are humans not s/n.




    Know you do good work with trapping ferals and s/n, Vincent just can’t help himself for some reason, maybe it’s the sugar high from the cupcake! (or congenital). Keep up your good work – lots of us (even this dog owner) support you!



    I think I read things differently, so I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that I thought vincent was suggesting that the futility was with those who argued in favor of free-roaming, unaltered cats, not in the actual efforts to s/n. Of course, I could be wrong, lol. Clearly though, not all of the ears are deaf, so that’s good. And a few ooooh kittens might help some find a home, so that’s good too!



    I agree with GenHillOne. I didn’t read Vincent’s post as disagreeing with s/n efforts at all. And I also appreciate the s/n efforts.

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