WS -> Redmond commute

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    Those who commute into Redmond from The Junction – what does your commute look like, honestly. Tell me about The MSFT Connector – does it save time?



    My husband takes the Connector sometimes. He loves it. Straight to campus.



    40 minutes on the best days, 1:30 on the worst (rain, accidents).

    The Connector might not save that much time (the 520 HOV lanes are pretty worthless with the construction underway), but it definitely saves my sanity.

    The Junction is the last stop on the way to work, but also the last stop on the way home.



    LVBebe, I’m starting that commute tomorrow! Unfortunately I can’t take the Connector, as I’m a V- consultant. I plan to drive initially, then try out the bus after the first week or so.

    Keep in mind the closures the week of 7/21–traffic will be exceptionally bad then.



    I vanpool to Redmond Town Center (but not Microsoft). The van is also a sanity-saver, as well as gas and wear & tear. If the Connector doesn’t pan out and you can find a vanthat fits your commute, it’s great. Plus I believe MS subsidizes, if so your commute will be pretty cheap.

    Check to see if there are any that would work for you.



    Use Microsoft’s Outlook Global Contact List to locate the email aliases for West Seattle Van Pools. The last time I looked there were two. Vendors and contractors can use them, and yes, MS subsidizes the cost even for vendors and contractors. Also, check out the internal Commute Web site. They can also assist.

    Beyond those options, see if your manager will allow flexible work hours so you can avoid the worst travel hours. If you can’t avoid the worst commute hours, there are always podcasts and audio books. ;)



    Thanks All! Great advice and good to know!



    Hi LVBebe; have you started commuting yet? I am on day three driving alone and it’s clear I need to figure out another solution. :-) Vanpools in the MSFT global address book are full, so I’m trying a match through RideshareOnline. The bus options as a V- employee are cumbersome, since I can’t use the Connector. Considering the Westlake shuttle, but… I’d still need to get to Westlake initially. Anyway, I’d love to hear your plan!



    I’m going to try to avoid the east side altogether next week. But if I absolutely have to go, I may drive over to the Mercer Island Park and Ride, and then take my bike the rest of the way to and from the Redmond campus, or to and from Lincoln Square or Advanta, where I could catch a shuttle to the main campus. Shuttling from Westlake is another creative, out of the box option.

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