WS LGBTQ meet up

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    3 pm, Saturday the 26th, at C&P coffee.

    It looks like this may be a regular thing, and we are looking at the 3rd or 4th Saturday of each month.

    Ideas, thoughts, suggestions?



    Either one works for me. I hope I can make this one!



    We hope to be able to make it to one meetup sometime. :) A little off topic… but does anyone know if they still do gay bowling on Sundays in West Seattle? I went about 10 years ago and had a blast!



    Yes, the still do gay bowling in West Seattle. I went several months ago, but don’t think they do it in the Summer. Check the SGN events, I know it is in there.



    We should email the blog to put this on their events listing too.



    I fairly confidant that the Sunday morning open bowl for LGBTQ is still going on this summer. There are also two leagues for our peeps on Sunday and Thursday evenings. Leagues start the first week after Labor Day, the “get acquainted” bowl for these leagues is end-o-August. West Seattle Bowl can fill you in. They are all friendly there.



    I am fairly confidant that the Sunday morning open bowl for LGBTQ is still going on this summer. There are also two leagues for our peeps on Sunday and Thursday evenings. Leagues start the first week after Labor Day, the “get acquainted” bowl for these leagues is end-o-August. West Seattle Bowl can fill you in. They are all friendly there.


    Anyone wanna e-mail the blog? I can do it later tonight, but if’n someone wants to, I would be grateful.



    I’ll verify with West Seattle Bowl and then email the blog.


    Will you e-mail both events? (the meet up and the bowling?) I am a horrible bowler that likes bowling shirts…but I would love to check that out, too…



    Sure, but once the teams are set for the league there might be less reason for others to go (I would think). But the end of August is a good time to go and take a look and see if league bowling is something someone might want to do.

    Thanks for the idea!

    BTW, even though the two league nights are predominantly LGBTQ, no one runs “tests” to see if participants fit into the categories! I’m sure there are “friends of…” whole bowl on these leagues.


    And there should be. At least that’s my opinion. I feel that way about the group, too…but I know that others may not agree…



    soclwrkrinmotn, I am a HORRIBLE bowler too, unless you count wii bowling. But I think it’s fun, and it helps if there are other “horrible” bowlers. :)



    I have a good friend who has bowled in the Thursday night league for years and years. You will find me there being a fan on many occasions. And if I’m lucky I get to go to the end of season banquet, too :) Thursday nights are super fun there, and great, great people…I’m especially enamored with the guy who comes around selling cookies occasionally :)~



    Horrible bowlers are always welcomed… cuz its a handicapped scoring system. In fact, horrible bowlers can be an asset to a team.

    And Jan, I’m tickled that you are gaagaa over the cookie guy. His cookies are yummy and raise funds for an annual bowling tournament at WSB.

    As I stated above, there is no test give to determine sexual orientation at any event that I have ever been at. Who knows who is who? I might expect that some events are exclusive but do I really know? So much gray area.



    flowerpetal…not only that, the cookies are CHEAP – lol…



    With reference to “cheap” Mother always said: “Darling, that is what baby birds say; and perhaps some women are!” The cookies are inexpensive; or thrifty!

    I’m glad you like them and found them to be a bargain while making a worthwhile contribution.

    And now I wonder, are you TB’s friend who came to bowling to cheer him and his team on to victories?



    lol…flowerpetal..I just talked with him, and he said to either ask your name or tell you that Todd from the Pin Fairies says hi. Small world, huh…yes, that would be me.

    and, yes, I like the word “thrifty” :)


    guidosmom and flowerpetal: Believe me, I am really bad. I throw the ball halfway down the lane (and in other lanes) or lose it on the backswing.

    If being that terrible is an asset, count me in. (But I have quite a few bowling shirts. Unfashionable fashion.)



    soclwrkrinmotn, Sunday mornings would be perfect for you, they position everyone by score and you would be bowling with like skilled bowlers…they have way more fun too. I have done Thursday night bowling and had a blast, even though it is a long commitment. I love some of the names. “I dream of Weanie” and my fav is “Leave it, it’s Beaver”.



    hahaha…Zenguy, I’ve read the list of names…and yeah, they’re pretty funny at times. I’ve met some terrific people there. It IS a lot of fun, even if I’m only watching :)



    Socl, it’s a shame I can’t bowl anymore (carpal tunnel syndrome) – we’d be quite the amusement to those around us if we bowled together, although probably not safe to sit behind us . . . I’ve sent my share of bowling balls behind me too. :)



    Too funny Sue! Sometimes I go on Thursdays just to see freinds and watch.



    Yikes soclwrkrinmotn! I can see it now; you’re up to bowl and the crowd scatters! It only means that you have room for improvement. Come and see us.



    Open bowling for the LGBTQ community is still in full swing for the summer on Sunday mornings. The fun begins at 10:30 a.m. I’ll send an email to TR.

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