Where to buy chestnuts in WS?

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    Does anyone know if any of the grocery stores here sell chestnuts? I love baking/roasting them this time of year, and haven’t found any in the area. I used to get them at Top Foods when I lived in Woodinville. Any ideas?


    not west seattle but uwajimaya sells them in a cart outside there front door :))



    We just got some chestnuts last weekend at Pacific Food Imports, aka PFI, aka Big John’s. It’s the closest place I know of, although like Uwajimaya, it is not in West Seattle. The address is 1001 Sixth Avenue S, but it can be tricky to find the first time. See their web site (http://www.bigjohnspfiseattle.com/) for directions.



    I swear I’ve seen whole chestnuts at Met Market, QFC and maybe even Safeway, always in the produce section. I love roasted chestnuts, but have never actually made them myself so I may have to stop by Uwajimaya now. Yum!



    I got some at Pike Place Market.



    I just saw them the other day in a produce section – I think it was Thriftway (if not, PCC – I don’t recall shopping in any other food stores this week).



    Amazon Fresh has them. last year they sent me some for free. I had no idea what to do with them. :)



    Thanks everyone! I am going to try PCC, Thriftway, and Metropolitan Market in search of them.

    Max – WOW! I can’t wait to check out PFI! Thanks for the info.

    JenV – They are really easy to cook. I have no idea if this is correct or traditional, but the way I always cooked them was I cut an “X” like shape on the top of each, and roasted them in the oven on about 350 for 45 minutes – an hour or so. Then you let them cook a little, and just eat them with your hands, digging out the flesh and not eating the shell part of course. Yumm… I usually salt them too.



    Max!! Thank you! Yes, PFI, where I worked for a good decade of my life, has real Italian Chestnuts.Uwajimaya does have them but they are Chinese Chestnuts and taste a lot different from Italian. The ones at Big John’s are usually a great price and you get the joy of roasting them yourself. Just remember to score an X in the bottom,(so they don’t explode) roast til they kind of swell, and the ends curl a little. Look up a recipe to be sure and let your nose help, they smell delicious! You want to roast them at a low-ish temp. Yummy served with hot melted butter. :O)



    I have a yard full of horse chestnuts you can have….



    I got them at PCC today and made a batch tonight. Thanks everyone! Crowe – The very first time I made them I didn’t quite make a good enough “x” on each one and had a few explode. It scared the heck out of me. lol. I haven’t made that mistake since.



    guidosmom, LOL! that would make for a surprise! Happy Chestnut roasting!

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