What happened to new trees in 44th/Hill triangle?

Home Forums Open Discussion What happened to new trees in 44th/Hill triangle?

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    When the fire station moved back to its permanent location it was great to see some new trees planted in the triangle. Now they are gone and we’re hoping it wasn’t vandalism but a search of the WS Blog (where we can find out everything!) doesn’t have info I could find. Anyone know? Thanks!



    sorry to hear that. I know new trees were promised. I’m not sure what city agency would handle this, but maybe a little sleuthing would get you an answer. Maybe they were defective and had to be removed? It’s one theory…but could be any number of reasons. Try the city arborist.



    I live in the area and just happened to be driving by when the trees were being removed. Appeared to be an authorized work crew rather than vandalism (two or three guys in safety vests). I don’t recall if the truck had a city logo or not, however.



    In addition to the discussion here, I also received a couple e-mail inquiries – and I’ve just received the answer from SDOT. Writing it into a story now – 1:16 pm – look for it on the home page in 15-20 minutes, depending on how fast I can work (I was in the middle of something else set to be the next story but dropping it since this is of high interest) … thanks! – Tracy



    Thanks so much, Tracy – always on the ball!

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