West Seattle needs a park and ride

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    Oh, wait. No it doesn’t, because everyone just parks their cars on neighborhood streets next to C-line stops and leaves their cars there all day while they’re downtown. Never mind the people who live and work in the neighborhood who need parking – they don’t matter!



    I’m sure you know this already, as it’s been discussed often here, but if there’s a spot on the street in a non-RPZ area, and without time restrictions, anybody can park their car for up to 72 hours, whether commuting for the bus or not. People who “live and work in the neighborhood who need parking” are no more entitled to the parking. First come, first served. If you live near a bus stop, you can’t be surprised that commuters park on your block. I live 2 blocks from the Junction and am not surprised that shoppers park there sometimes, as well as commuters.

    And, for the record, we do have a park and ride, under the WS Bridge near Luna Park. It’s just that the powers that be decided that the C line shouldn’t stop right there, but several blocks away, and even if you did walk it, you’d never get a seat on it anyway at that point, which is why people drive to earlier stops and park on the street.



    There is a park and ride under the West Seattle Bridge on Spokane. However, I don’t think all bus routes that service West Seattle travel that way.



    Correct, MrsL. The only buses right there are the 21 and the 37. About 1/4 mile away is the water taxi bus, and about 1/2 mile away are the 55 and the C line. About 1/2 mile in the other direction (and a less walkable option, in my opinion due to terrain) would be the stops on Delridge for the 120, 125 and 50. Personally, I think it’s unrealistic to expect people to walk half a mile or more from a park & ride to the bus stop. It’s also dark and deserted under there, and I know I wouldn’t feel safe parking under the bridge at night and talking the walk to/from the bus.



    I think Sue is twigging onto the primary problem – it just doesn’t feel safe to use that lot, especially for late night/overnight parking. Maybe we, especially the OP, need to start advocating for better lighting and a C Line stop there.

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