West Seattle in the south eastern US?

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    Does anyone know of a town in the south eastern US that

    has a livable section like the Junction?



    Tell me a few states your’re interested in and I may be able to tell you of a few cities.



    If I remember right, and it has been awhile Athens has some cool hoods.



    Chapel Hill NC, Cary NC, Downtown Charleston SC, Some Atlanta neighborhoods.

    Chapel Hill was an Island of education in a vast sea of rednecks at one time but I am told it has expanded into some of the other towns around the Research Triangle Park.

    However rednecks, holy rollers and crackers are all available for viewing 30 miles in any direction from an interstate highway.



    I’m from Chapel Hill/Raleigh & agree with the prior post. However, the people are also very friendly and laid back. You will not find the “uptight Seattlelite” persona there. And by far less bureaucracy in the SE. The thing I disliked most about NC was the conservative politics & “religious right”, but they voted democrat this time in the presidential election — there’s a huge influx of people from the NE seeking cheaper housing and jobs.

    I’ve heard Atlanta is a great place, and Charleston SC. Cary, NC has become a huge suburbia of strip malls.

    My personal favorite in NC was Asheville. It’s in the mountains, beautiful rolling green hills, more liberal politics, lots of independent shops, lots of coffee shops, inexpensive housing, and UNC-Asheville (a university).



    Definitely parts of Atlanta (Emory and Virginia Highlands), Athens, GA is known as the Classic City and very much like West Seattle.

    I also would recommend Hilton Head in South Carolina, Nashville has some cool parts, Auburn, Alabama, and Charolotte, NC also has some cool parts.

    #1 without a doubt would be Athens, GA though (I lived there for two years).

    And remember, stating that people in the South are rednecks is like stating that people in the PNW are tree loving hippies. Since I lived in both regions of the country for many years I can attest to the fact that there are intelligent people here and in the South and there are stupid people here and in the South.



    The rural south and many of the suburbs of Atlanta are indeed infested with crackers and rednecks, many of whom I am related to. I have 72 first cousins spread from Alabama to Florida to Virginia. I have lived and worked in five different southeastern states.

    Most of them are cultural conservatives and biblical literalist which is, in some circles the less polite way to describe crackers and rednecks.

    Sure not all are wingnuts, but the percentage is high enough that you will not find public transit, bookstores, or neighbors who will admit to being Liberals for fear of losing their job.

    That pretty much excludes most neighborhoods in the southeastern states from being “similar” to WS.

    You will find good BBQ in nearly all of them.



    The SE has liberal pockets, usually college towns and bigger cities, though the element described by Ken often typifies more rural areas. You can be an open liberal non-Christian in Chapel Hill/Carrboro and other more urban areas. The coffee shops and bookstores in Chapel Hill are just as liberal as the ones here. The Raleigh/RTP area has more PhD’s than Seattle, many of them college professors, researchers, and people from other countries. A typically liberal bunch.

    I used to bash “the South”, since I grew up there, but distance has given me a little perspective. I now believe that most people are nice and friendly regardless of political or religious persuasion. They’re just as open-minded and tolerant as Seattlelites, but their issues differ. The “redneck” element is scattered throughout our country — it’s more a reflection of human nature than the SE.



    most areas of the south will have a more small town feel like West Seattle… unless you choose the urban jungles of a big city…

    University towns are more likely to be multicultural and more “organic” unless that university has a really strong military program… or perhaps and overdeveloped sports program:)

    I like Asheville because of it’s geographical setting and it’s philosophical tilt towards the left.. but i also liked Athens a lot.

    You aren’t likely to find the tendency towards green living as well established anywhere in the southeast…

    but the people are friendly…



    I second/third/fourth the vote for my hometown of Charleston, SC. It is a Neo-Urbanist’s dream. If you’re looking for something more metropolitan (though less Southern) Old Town Alexandria, VA fits the bill quite nicely too.



    Both Alexandria and Charleston are absolutely gorgeous & full of history.

    Alexandria housing is very pricey…

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