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    Alan …”(difficult for some I know)…..snark does not endear you to anyone on here…fair warning…



    For the love of GOD! Jan, sorry, I have a hard time dealing with folks re arranging my content to a sarcastic end.. they know who they are.

    I have all I need to move forward with SDOT on this not to mention it’s taken up enough of every one’s time.

    Thank you one and all for your input on this subject. I love ya.. I Really do! :))

    Remember to cruise at 55 when safe to do so with a smile… Oh, and be ever so vigilant with those pesky SPD patrols… they wait ever so patiently to put pen to paper.



    C’mon, alan!

    Fess up!

    How many times have the cops nailed ya along that corridor?




    “…they wait ever so patiently to put pen to paper. “

    I WISH that were true.



    Alan, your entire rant is based on the fact that you believe the speed limit on the West Seattle Bridge is too low, and you cited numerous other countries and roadways (where the speed limits are much higher) as evidence to support your stance. If that’s not a comparison, what is it?

    In relation to the “barking dog/anonymous” comment: I googled the surname “004” but for some reason didn’t come up with anything. Nor do I ever have any intention of providing personal information on this forum due to the hostile, volatile, and obviously unstable nature of some who linger here.

    I can actually read and write pretty well, thank you. If you’d like, I could critique your posts for you as they contain a number of spelling and grammatical errors – not to mention factual ones.



    55–huh, on the bridge? What time do you actually drive on that bridge? You know how many times I have to come to a dead stop heading East? Going West–how many times people coming from the 1st Ave. exit cause a major slowdown (even for those of us doing the speed limit). Hey–and what about the unawares who realize–heading West–that they really didn’t want to get off on 1st…so they just keep on going, right back into the traffic–which, excuse me, you say should be a hearty 55 mph? You’re nuts, dude. Slow down, enjoy life–don’t put others in danger.

    You’ve got a bone to pick, but you’re messing with public safety.



    “This I can confirmed. I went to the SPD fund raiser at the Space Needle back in 04/05/06 and talked to a dispatcher”

    Really? Thats your confirmation a dispatcher? Dispatcherpedia?


    Genesee Hill

    Come on, give alan004 a break. He bought a used Pinto, purchased a 25 dollar JC Whitney hi-performance carburetor for it, and is raring to go…I just hope he didn’t have his brakes re-built at Wal-Mart. lol



    Funny, I crossed the bridge today at 2:30 doing 55… and got passed by a black Mercedes 4×4 doing 68mph… I know because I caught up to him long enough to check my speedo and then braked off. I then got passed another 5 times before getting into town.

    Those speed crazy SOBs… some body has stop them before they hurt innocent members of the public! Damn, where is SPD when you need them.



    Did you pace the Mercedes from a distance behind, or did you catch up with him in the next lane over?

    If it’s the latter, he may have taken that as a challenge to race, which tosses another element of danger into all of this.

    I truly hope that you aren’t speed crazy on the local streets. You just may well have some body stopping you. That of a pedestrian or bicyclist…




    So we raise the speed limit to 55 mph on the West Seattle Bridge (which is probably a reasonable speed). What makes you think that people will suddenly obey the speed limit when they don’t currently?

    I think that the result will be people *still* doing 20+ mph over the speed limit, which would be 75 mph…and that is absolutely ridiculous.

    Genese – Don’t forget the coffee can exhaust he also had installed. The extra noise…that’s for safety, of course. :)



    No Mike, give me some credit. It was a steady increase in speed to come up behind him… just as the Police do when checking speed. And yes, I kept my safe distance with the 4 second rule.

    Mike, you have to understand that there is a time a place for speed. Urban streets are not the place for it. In fact lets test some driving knowledge for you. I’d like to ask you a series of questions to see your level of “road craft”…

    1) Stopping distance is made up of two other distances. What are


    2) Please tell me one’s velocity in ft/second when traveling at

    70mph? (This will give you a good idea of breaking distance

    needed to come to a complete stop on an interstate in an


    3) When cornering, what is the best position on the apex to place your vehicle for maximum visibility around the corner?

    These next questions are for extremely advanced drivers. If you REALLY want to improve general car handing knowledge, come up with the answers to the following:

    1) Give me the theory behind the “left foot braking technique” and

    how it can applied in different driving situations and the track

    arena. List advantages and disadvantages.

    2) List the advantages and disadvantage’s of the “Toe & Heel”

    technique and again how it can be used for better safety and

    vehicle handling.



    Disagree NF. 55 on a flippin’ bridge that sees merging traffic from hell? Never!



    wow….how condescending….I’d tell you to stuff it !



    1) Stopping distance is made up of two other distances. What are


    Arrive at bus stop, and wait.

    2) Please tell me one’s velocity in ft/second when traveling at

    70mph? (This will give you a good idea of breaking distance

    needed to come to a complete stop on an interstate in an


    When bus arrives, board, and tap ORCA Card. (Hold onto stanchions, so that I don’t fall and brake my neck, if the bus suddenly takes off.)

    3) When cornering, what is the best position on the apex to place your vehicle for maximum visibility around the corner?

    Find seat, sit down, remove backpack, get comfortable, and look out window. Hope that Mt Rainier is visible, if bus will be traveling within line of sight of her.

    These next questions are for extremely advanced drivers. If you REALLY want to improve general car handing knowledge, come up with the answers to the following:

    1) Give me the theory behind the “left foot braking technique” and

    how it can applied in different driving situations and the track

    arena. List advantages and disadvantages.

    As desired bus stop is approached, pull cord to ring bell

    2) List the advantages and disadvantage’s of the “Toe & Heel”

    technique and again how it can be used for better safety and

    vehicle handling.

    Gather belongings, and disembark bus, while thanking driver.




    Hey Alan004……….I’m looking for a realtor to sell my house so would appreciate it if you would share your contact info so I can pass it on to potential buyers who are interested in a FASTER commute to West Seattle!



    Angelcrest – You’re right, especially as often as it rains here.



    Rags, that would be huge plus to living here, right? :))

    miws… at least you have a sense of humor, just don’t ask me to drive with you.




    Honestly as much as I want the speed limit raised the police always sit in the same spot. I always check. If I notice them further down the bridge I’ll just get off on Avalon or Delridge depending on where they are parked.



    I was entertained by this and had nothing better to do, so by my count, Alan, you have 7 people in favor of your proposal (including yourself), and 10 people opposed (including myself). I tried to limit my count strictly to posts that clearly stated they were for or against it, and left out the arguing about intentional speed trap construction, revenue for the city, or your expert driving skills.

    Just to be clear, I’m against your proposal. I believe that from the 99 to I-5 there is too much exit/entrance and lane changing traffic in too short a distance to make an increase in the speed limit practical or safe. Please do not try to claim that the majority of the posts in this thread supported your proposal.



    @mtnfreak…I’m just glad the majority of drivers agree with Alan. Unless there is sufficient traffic to slow people down I see most people crossing at about 45/50 in the 35mph zone.



    I’ve noticed an interesting coincidence in these posts. We can all agree that the West Seattle bridge is dangerous and has more than it’s share of accidents. Most of the advocates for increased speeds admit to speeding themselves and/or acknowledge (as in Ed’s post above) that most traffic on the bridge exceeds the speed limit by 10-15 mph or more. If excess speed is commonplace on the bridge, why blame the multiple accidents on the low speed limit, and not where it belongs – on speeders? Logic and statistics would dictate otherwise.



    anonyme, I’ve often wondered the same thing, not only in regards to that corridor, but others as well, such as I-5.

    It seems the excessive speeders are always trying to shift blame to those actually doing the limit, or maybe within 5 above.

    They don’t seem to understand, *cough*care to admit*cough* that in reality, the cause was most likely due to the speeder’s tailgating/weaving in and out/cutting off.




    anonyme and Mike, it seems to me maybe there’s also an analogy with energy efficiency: when we get more efficient light bulbs, we are less careful to turn them off, so the energy saved by using the more-efficient bulbs is less than the difference in efficiency would predict. The bridge was widened to address safety problems on the old bridge, so now people feel it’s safe to go faster. It remains to be seen how the rate of accidents on the new bridge will change, but it seems very likely to me that it will not decline as much as it would have had drivers used the same speeds they had on the old bridge (which always seemed to me to be over the speed limit).

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