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    “Piratization of Liquor”? “Somali-ers”?



    For location on this one, I’m going with the backwaters at Jack Block park.




    “What would Seattle police do?” In light of recent events, I’m not going to answer that.



    Sorry DP, I gotta call BS and Photoshop on this story. Would you hold a case or more of wine above your head?

    I suspect the photo was of pirates surrendering and someone pasted the photos of the supposed wine boxes into the photo.

    That being said, I will say I plan to vote No on both liquor initiatives. Why? Both are self-serving perversions of the public initiative process. Yes, I’d like better choice, and lower prices at the liquor store. I love visiting Bev’ Mo’ in California, but I don’t want 1000’s of outlets selling booze. The state liquor stores offer limited selection, moderate pricing, and somewhat less than stellar customer service (due to the monopoly, no doubt). Costco’s proposal is the least worst one, the other one is a horror–let the middlemen control things? I prefer state control and limited outlets to poorly crafted measures meant to further specific private interests.



    Congratulations, JayDee.

    In the true spirit of the Somali Pirates, you have HIJACKED this thread.



    Cheers! and I have no idea what the SPD would do…



    Something to consider- What is the government’s purpose? To have a monopoly over certain markets? NO. For me, all of the negative effects of not having the government control the liquor market are just scare tactics, because they shouldn’t be in the business in the first place. We accept it because we are used to it so it doesn’t seem silly, but what if the government decided to take over another market. Guns? They can be dangerous, how about only government stores can sell them. Cigarettes- man, they can KILL you and most places can sell them. If we were used to a society where liquor could be sold anywhere, I think most of us would think the government taking over liquor sales would be just as ridiculous.

    If the government is worried about minors having more access to buy and all the other scare tactics being put out on television, they are welcome to step up their enforcement of laws, which is their business.

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