Volunteer Opportunity for kids during the holidays…..

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    I am hoping to find a way in which for our child and us to help out during the holidays. Any suggestions?



    Luckymom, how old is your chid? There are lots of ways to help, sponsor a family(we have done this through the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association), hold a food drive, distribute or collect warm blankets, hats and gloves. In California I worked with a group where we made up care sacks for a men’s shelter and it included some simple things like a new toothbrush, tooth paste, shaving materials, comb, new underwear, socks and undershirts.



    Our daughter is 9. Can you send me the information (phone number, website address or email so we can get started?



    The West Seattle Food Bank http://www.westseattlefoodbank.org/getinvolved.asp

    The Delridge Neighborood Development Association(sponsor a family). You could request a small family or a large one.


    Seattle union gospel mission has opportunities to volunteer as a family http://ugm.convio.net/site/PageServer?pagename=howtohelp_forfamilies

    Volunteers of America might be a great place to start, http://www.voaww.org/voa4.cfm

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