Virtual Garage Sale — from our virtual garage to your real life

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    We’re valiantly trying to declutter — and you might be looking for bargain holiday gifts — for yourself or others. So let’s talk.

    Included: white wicker chair, collection of purple insulators (telephone and power), NIB Putple George Foreman grill, hardly-used rice cooker, collection of brass picture frames, holiday decorations (including a dozen, count-em, lighted purple balls in boxes), gently used kids’ books and games for all ages. And Much More.

    contact charla at charla dot com to arrange a viewing or to ask if we have something in particular. We probably do. Prices completely negotiable.



    what a great idea…

    i need to do the same as soon as i finish unpacking boxes.. i thought i would be done by now:(

    about those purple balls :)



    Ohhhhhh, purple!

    Must remind self of mantra from last week’s cleaning of last YEAR’S xmas clutter: “I DO NOT need more xmas trim! I DO NOT need more xmas trim!”


    Now the games may be another story. What games?



    These are more like small disco balls than holiday ornaments — think pink flamingo tree ornaments — wait, i have those too :-)

    Games: Lie Cheat and Steal, Many Monopolies, Antimonopoly, Candyland … parcheesi — NIB jigsaw puzzle of with cats (remember what i said on another thread about not buying gifts for people of whom i know nothing?)



    Do you have children’s books? I am looking for a present for my neighbor’s child (my nephew) who is two and a half.



    Lots of kids books — probably appropriate for ages 2-8 (after that our grandkids stopped being interested in books that I wanted too.)

    PM or email and we can talk :-)



    What a good idea – creative and efficient. How big’s the rice cooker? I’ve been thinking about a small one.



    OMG I want the purple balls! I am having a “festive holiday ball party” for knitting this weekend. MUST HAVE BALLS :)



    OK, now I have to *find* all this stuff — if you’ve asked about something in particular — stay tuned :-) Rice cooker unique for being small and not purple.

    One year we had a yard sale and hauled everything into the yard. Some of it is still in the carport.

    Another year, long ago, a friend and I had combined yard sale. He brought everything over and neatly arranged it in my yard. I had the mother of all hangovers, so I just cornered people and invited them into the house to pick what they wanted. Guess who sold the most? Guess who is still annoyed at the person who didn’t follow THE RULES for yard sales. Guess who doesn’t care? :-)

    edited to change nouse to house — i’m giving away a mouse and obviously got confused



    defensive.. are you ?

    will you just invite me in and let me buy anything i want :)))))

    i can think of worse excuses for visiting you:)



    Ya I wanna come, too. Do you have a food processor? Or maybe you have a festive holiday kleenex box collection!



    I don’t but I have a festive stuffed animal collection. And I suspect I have a food processor — I’ll have to check with the human food processor (that would be bob) to see if he ever uses it. We know, by this question, that I don’t :-)



    lol, I hear you and I raise you to takeout 5 times weekly ;)

    Did you find the balls? I PM’d you, BTW.




    I didn’t get a message that says I have a new PM — if I don’t, I have no idea how to get my PM messages. :-) So if you PM’d and I ignored, try email to charla at charla dot com.

    I found one ball which means you can view and have that one and we can go up to the treasure trove that is the third floor and look for more. The bob says there is a large green garbage bag full of them “somewhere”.

    This offer will obviously not end today.



    Charla, you can check your messages by going to your mail box and clicking on that and it will show you all the messages your have.



    OK, how do I find my “forum” mailbox? I looked through the membmers page and must have missed it. (I know, only too well, how to find all of my “real” email messages — just not the ones from this PM.




    click on “forum” at the top of this page. Then without clicking on a particular topic, scroll to the bottom of the message headings. There you will see a line that says, “you have 1 new message” …or however many you have. I think you can get there from your profile, too.



    OK, that worked and I have now answered ALL PMs in the buffer so you can send those and spare the rest of the world our exciting discussions — OTOH, when we get to negotiating price, we can have 5000 or more of our dearest forum friends “help”. :-)



    thanks ellenator..

    i couldn’t figure out how you got to the mailbox if you had no new messages…

    i will catch up with the technology yet.. some day:)

    LOL.. probably just about the time it moves on.



    Bump: Official schedule

    Saturday — 10-2

    Sunday — Noon – 5

    Other times as requested



    Charla where do I come on Sunday to look at the books and such? my email is

    Can’t come tomorrow as we are going downtown to see the Seattle Pops Holiday show.

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