Ultimate Frisbee Pickup Meet in West Seattle
6 pm to 7 pm
Please bring *both* dark and light shirts to wear on teams
We have a nice modern LED lit disc, the field has enough ambient light to see.
Steve Cox Memorial Field in White Center
1321 SW 102nd St
Seattle WA 98146
The field is near McLendon Hardware
All Abilities
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All Weather
I am not a coach, but I will be there rain or shine or mud or frost to host the event and play.
My wife and kid will be there.
We want to have fun and play Frisbee. I have tried some of the other great pickup games around Seattle, but the are a tad intimidating. And they are not in West Seattle, and I really like it here. Several people have told me I should just start my own group in West Seattle. Now it is time.