Tree watering ?

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    The city planted trees on our parking street which I am super happy about. I am wondering if anyone has any information about watering them. Ours have the watering bags on them. I have seen a water truck filling them up on some blocks but so far ours have not been filled. However about 1/2 of them on my block have. Is this something I need to request? Or is it done at random?



    The city will water the trees for you. They seem to be slower at getting to this than I would expect, perhaps due to bduget cuts and furloughs. With this dry spell and a holiday weekend I would encourage you to do it yourself as all trees are beginning to suffer now. If you have concerns you can call SDOT-Urban Forestry at 206-684-5047.



    I would definitely call the city. We actually bought some of the watering bags for trees in our yard and they say they should be filled once a week.



    As far as I know, the care and maintenance of street trees is the responsibility of the adjacent residents – at least when the street trees were requested by same. Even if this is not the case, PLEASE fill the Treegators (bags). We are experiencing drought conditions and these newly planted trees must have water. It would be a shame to allow the trees to die simply because it’s technically someone else’s job to fill the bags. We really need these trees.



    Several years ago the city planted trees on the side of our house and I know that I am responsible for picking up the leaves each year or else the street becomes a mess and the storm drains become clogged with leaves. I hate it. I feel that since they planted them they should be responsible for cleaning up the leaves.



    I read that Houston is losing 10% of its trees in record heat! Ugh!



    Thanks! I am more than happy to do it…I love that the trees got planted. I just wasn’t sure since some on my block were filled by city and some aren’t if I was missing out on something I was supposed to do.

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