To anyone who ties their dog up outside a shop, farmer’s market, etc…

Home Forums Open Discussion To anyone who ties their dog up outside a shop, farmer’s market, etc…

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    Hi all, this morning my partner and I went to the farmer’s market. While stopping to get cash out of the atm we admired a sweet looking dog tied up outside. My partner walked a little closer towards it, when a strange older man, possibly drunk, as he was slurring his words approached her. He said that was his dog and he was trying to sell it for $5. We saw the man down the street earlier and clearly knew this was not his dog. She told the man she knew this was not his dog and he had better leave. He apologized and left in a hurry. We kept an eye on the dog until he was a ways down the street. On the walk home we witnessed several dogs tied up outside who could have easily been “sold” or stolen by this man. I just wanted to let everyone who might keep their dogs tied up while running an errand to be on extra alert.



    guidosmom…thanks for that. Considering that we just recently had a dog theft in WS that made the news, people need to really start being aware. If you’re gonna take your dogs with you, don’t plan on going somewhere that you can’t take them, too. Otherwise, you’re better off leaving them at home. I don’t have a dog, never have, but those who I know that do, consider their dogs their children. Would you leave your child tied up outside? I don’t think so.

    And, unfortunately, the economy sucks…and if it sucks for us, think of how it is for the really down and out people…and some of them think nothing of taking something/anything if it will make them money..



    Current P.I. story about dogs being chained up.

    Not the good kind.

    ” Bush is shut in the car during work hours, then let out to guard the tire yard by night. His owner, Alberto Quintanilla, who also owns the tire yard, thinks the chaining ban is a good idea and adds that he doesn’t take Bush home with him because he would put him on a chain”. Jan. 9, 2009

    *Alberto Quintanilla*



    Trick, those pictures just about made me cry. Those poor animals…how can people be that cruel to another living being? Maybe we should start chaining them (the owners) up at night outside, because they make a mess. Truly, they deserve to have those animals taken away, and never be able to have one again. :(



    Holy Crap, that first picture. THAT IS MY PICTURE! I know exactly where this dog is. I trapped feral cats there 6 months ago. He feeds the dog rice, the dog is emaciated. It is not about culture there need to stronger laws. Legacy MY @#@!!!!

    For those to who this matters call your legislaters about the leash law and about the puppy mills dogs. DID YOU KNOW THOSE PEOPLE JUST MIGHT GET THE DOGS BACK YES and not be prosecuted.



    Does anyone know if there is a law regarding leaving dogs in cars in parking garages?

    I work at Swedish and have seen – on multiple occasions – cars parked in the underground garage with one or more dogs inside. I have seen cars parked for several hours like this.

    This makes me very uncomfortable, but I’m not sure if it is actually illegal. Any thoughts?



    I always look for that dog when I go by there and when I didn’t see it I just assumed that they only bring it to work every once in a while. It’s a beautiful dog… this really is a shame.



    I should note here that we got a call this afternoon that an animal-control truck was spotted at the aforementioned tire yard where the dog is kept in the car … nothing there when we arrived but I am checking with Seattle Animal Shelter management.



    I’ll out myself — TR I was (one of the ones) who texted you. The truck was one of the big maroon “dog catcher” trucks with Humane Society/Animal Control markings on the side. I noticed it as I drove by there about 4:25, specifically because I’d read the story linked from here this morning.

    I hope the owner gets educated and the dog is taken inside, as it sounded from the article like they love him but don’t know how to take care of him properly.



    thanks … Patrick passed it on and didn’t share identifying info. But he circled the place just minutes later and couldn’t find anything :( SAS brass works the early shift so I likely won’t hear back before tomorrow morning. Although as I said when Trick (who posted here) shared the link in e-mail earlier, I’m not sure why they included this case in the article, as it’s NOT chaining … not to condone it, of course.



    A house in my mom’s neighborhood in Kent had this adorable pit bull mix… It was a woman with like 5 kids and they gave it no attention. My mom and numerous neighbors called animal control because she just cried all day – she was LONELY. The owner then kept her chained in the garage 24/7, and when they complained about that, she chained the dog outside.

    Animal control did NOTHING. As long as the animal is fed their hands are tied. That poor dog ended up hanging herself from the fence when she tried to jump out of the yard. What did they do then? THEY GOT ANOTHER DOG.

    My mom and her neighbors are still sick about the whole situation, even though that worthless family is long gone.



    The PI article was disturbing and heart breaking. I don’t understand the mentality of people who treat their pets as if they were soulless appliances or “after thoughts”. Who could not see that these dogs are suffering? Bless the people/neighbors who are trying to do something for these poor dogs, and I’m glad they were brave enough to allow their names to be used in the article. Perhaps it will pin point and shame the owners into doing the right thing, or encourage them to pass their dogs on to responsible guardians.

    I know this thread has veered from the original cautionary warning, but I’m glad the PI article was posted with it.

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