This is Hank the “Dancing Guy”

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    Mr Swagger

    I regret to inform that, until further notice I will be unable to be out at The Junction dancing, I have to do physical rehab on my back, I will be doing yoga as well, but until I can dance w/o the lower back pain it’s just too difficult, plus it’s extremely frustrating having to quit after an hour or two. The past 52 weeks I was able to be out there and dance and celebrate have been awesome, and I will miss seeing everyone, hopefully I won’t be sidelined too long.



    Sorry to hear this! Thanks for letting us know! – Tracy



    Oh no! You have been the highlight of my Saturday for many weeks! Did you do something specific to hurt your back? I hope you recover very quickly, and are able to dance again soon!



    Get well soon!


    Mr Swagger

    it’s a cumulative thing, not be able to afford stuff like proper sports massages and not doing proper stretching routines have cause certain areas (muscles mainly in the lower back) to become stiff & strained which has resulted in more & more lower back & hip pain, plus I have a desk job (although I now use the standing desk feature nearly 100% of the time now, since I realized it was a contributing factor). Just going to need to rehab it, no quick fix



    Was that not you I saw dancing today at Aurora and 85th bus stop?
    If not, buddy you have a doppelgänger out there!!



    Rest up, Swagger!


    Mr Swagger

    It was me, but dancing for 5-10 minutes at a bus stop pain free is not the same as dancing 4 hours or more, so not really sure the point of the question, obviously that was me. There is far too much preparation & time involved to show up for half an hour. So yes, every now and then you might see me at a bus stop waiting for a bus, doesn’t mean I am at a point where I can do it for 4 hours or more.

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