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October 16, 2009 at 10:32 pm #592703
inactiveMemberOctober 16, 2009 at 10:36 pm #679933
KBearParticipantNo, it is Hutchison.
October 16, 2009 at 11:26 pm #679934
marianneParticipantYuck. Can she also see Russia from her window??????
October 16, 2009 at 11:34 pm #679935
JEMParticipantThe Stranger called her “Sarah Palin without the political experience” I enjoy their endorsements.
October 16, 2009 at 11:37 pm #679936
JulieMemberI guess that says something about how seriously to take the Times’ endorsements into account….
October 16, 2009 at 11:40 pm #679937
andreaParticipantseriously? wow. certainly calls into question the Times’ credibility at endorsemsnts…
October 17, 2009 at 12:19 am #679938
MargLMemberI just print out The Stranger cheat sheet
get out the ballot and ballpoint ;-D
October 17, 2009 at 12:44 am #679939
JanSParticipantI watched their “debate” last night. I’m sorry, but she just seemed to have little stories that she could insert to sound credible, i.e., “well, when I met with Gov. Gregoire last month”, etc. It was like name dropping, and she’d smile that little smile of hers that seemed to say, see? I AM qualified. It was hard to believe her, I found.
October 17, 2009 at 12:58 am #679940
“On environmental issues, voters face a clear choice in this race between Dow Constantine and Susan Hutchison for King County executive.
She supports the expansion of a gravel mine on Maury Island; he opposes it. He says climate change is a top priority for the executive, connected to local policies from land use to transportation. She says global warming takes a back seat to public safety and budget issues.
Environmental cred is key in a job where the executive must deal with everything from growth management and land use to endangered species and protecting Puget Sound. The two candidates bring very different work experience to the job â and have engaged very different approaches to environmental issues in the campaign.
Constantine is a lawyer with a master’s degree in urban planning. He spent years both at the forefront and deep in the weeds of environmental policy, first as a member of the Legislature, and now on the Metropolitan King County Council, where he has made land use and environmental issues a central focus.
Hutchison is a former television anchor at KIRO whose most recent work is in leading a philanthropic foundation for the arts and sciences, and heading the board of the Seattle Symphony.”
Obviously, this Seattle Times reporter finds it difficult to take Susan Hutchison’s candidacy seriously. I’m again bewildered by the Times endorsement of a lackluster candidate.
October 17, 2009 at 2:46 am #679941
funkietooParticipantThe Times was trying to find a reason to endorse the Eastside, Republican Businesses’ and Wealthy Individual’s pretty puppet, Susan. The Times does not want to lose those that fund the advertising of their right wing, Republican newspaper. So be it–they just lost me and most likely a whole lot of others.
Susan is full of charm, smiles, some smarts (but not related to running King County Government), AND is heavily funded by wealthy, well known rePublicans. However, she skipped candidate forums, debates, and most recently was at an Eastside gathering (hosted by the Asian community) and was extremely degrading in her speech to the Chinese guests by sterotyping them during her speech–‘I love Chinese food’–was just one of her statements.
Really, Seattle Times? You sold out and you know it. Dow does have proven record of reform, you just arent’ paying attention; he took Ron Sims to task time and time again; he undertands and balances the need to support a vibrant, diverse, economy while protecting the environment.
Remember King County Voters: Susan supported Bush, Rossi, Huckabee—the right wing rePublican machine.
My vote is for Dow. I have worked with him on community issues; seen is honesty and integrity in action; and watched the positive changes he has made throughout King County.
If you support Dow’s values and visions, vote for him AND talk with people that have not yet decided who they are going to vote for in the KC Executive race.
October 17, 2009 at 4:28 am #679942
KenParticipantWhat funkietoo said.
Talk to your friends and neighbors. You will be astounded how little thought and information has been absorbed by the average voter.
Some still think the non partisan race means the candidates are “non partisan” and will slip a stealth republican in the job just like was predicted when the “non partisan” county offices were voted on last year.
This is how republicans infiltrate elected office in overwhelmingly Dem areas.
October 17, 2009 at 4:33 am #679943
carterParticipantThe Seattle Times endorsement of Hutchison is absurd. I dropped them in January after 17 years of subscribing and have never looked back. And they wonder why newspapers are going extinct. Ride on WSB . . . .
October 17, 2009 at 7:10 am #679944
WSBKeymasterFirst, a reminder, we are involved in an experimental partnership with the Times and several other area neighborhood news sites, organized by a national journalism foundation. The make-it-up-as-we-go-along partnership so far has involved little beyond us flagging them when we have stories we think they might want to link on the Times’ home page (recent examples include last weekend’s orca sighting and the Tillicum Village storefront art theft, and the links go directly to the stories here on WSB – they do not repurpose our content on their site, nor vice versa), and them flagging us if they have a story of West Seattle interest in the works. Just in case anyone was wondering.
If our videotaped question(s) for the mayoral debate really does show up in next Wednesday’s broadcast on KING, that’s another result of the collaboration, as KING in turn is a Times partner and they are co-sponsoring the debate, so they came up with the idea to have us neighborhood-news partners (us, My Ballard, Capitol Hill Seattle and Rainier Valley Post) chip in questions.
That said, I do have to say, I don’t think news organizations should waste their time making endorsements. Spend as much time as you can gathering information to present to your “readers”/audience/whomever. THEY make the decisions.
If you read the main news page here avidly, you probably know we have made an exception to our policy and endorsed approval of Referendum 71. But as I said someplace, probably Facebook when we first “announced” that weeks ago, to me that’s not even a political issue … it’s a civil rights issue and I am with those who think it’s astonishing that we are still in a time when rights can be taken away by a vote.
Of course, it hasn’t even been a century since those of us with XX chromosomes even GOT the right to vote (in the US), and the constitutional amendment that was supposed to make sure we would never again be second-class citizens never made it into law. But I digress, as usual.
October 17, 2009 at 9:11 am #679945
HMC RichParticipantSome of you seem to define Susan as not having enough experience and just having a pretty smile. Did you steal that from the Republicans who said that about our current President when he was a candidate? The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Either you are for a candidate, indifferent, or against. Vote and you get a say. Although until the election takes place, it does make for some interesting commentary until after the votes are counted.
In the voter’s pamphlet, she sounds like a blue dog democrat or moderate republican on most issues and he sounds like a fiscally conservative republican with the ability to “cross the aisle”.
October 17, 2009 at 3:16 pm #679946
Yes, Susan Hutchinson sounds like a blue dog democrat or moderate republican until you start to dig a little deeper into her political associations… like the group currently opposing Referendum 71.
It’s what Susan Hutchinson doesn’t disclose that is troublesome. Do i think she is just another pretty face? No. I think she hides some pretty extreme views behind a pretty face, smooth moves and innocuous comments.
I would have more respect for her if she campaigned honestly with full disclosure of her political viewpoint.
She would have a difficult time winning in Seattle if she did.. but that’s another story isn’t it.
October 17, 2009 at 7:04 pm #679947
MagpieParticipantYikes, If Mike McGinn and Susan Hutchison win, I can’t even imagine what kind of relationship they would have and how it would affect Seattle and King county. I might have to move to another country.
October 17, 2009 at 7:57 pm #679948
austinMemberBig thanks to the guy who crammed a bunch of election endorsement crap into the space between my front door and the door frame so it would fall onto the ground when I opened my door. Now I have a bunch of wet junk paper to recycle.. Here’s to a productive afternoon. :/
October 18, 2009 at 4:59 pm #679949
dhgParticipantHutchison and Constantine were on King5 last night. Matsukawa seems to really like Hutchison but I thought Hutchison really had nothing to say. She was asked again and again what she would do to reign in the budget and her response was always: eliminate waste. That is something we all want. Let’s eliminate waste. But is it enough to close the budget gap? I doubt it. Unless you define health services as waste, or bus routes. I find her answers to be vacuous.
October 18, 2009 at 7:06 pm #679950
JoBParticipantSomeone who dodges questions while campaigning isn’t likely to give better answers once elected.
October 20, 2009 at 8:54 am #679951
HMC RichParticipantAnd you believe what a politician says?
October 20, 2009 at 9:46 am #679952
LeroniusmonkfishMemberHMC – Of course we believe what politicians say. Why shouldn’t we? They’ve proven themselves time and time again to be on the up and up…Just like Richard Heene and his “balloon boy” son(s).
Now, gotta get back to listening to Pink Floyd’s – The WALL.
October 20, 2009 at 11:23 pm #679953
HMC RichParticipantHello, hello… Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone at home?
Fish you are so right and I love The WALL.
October 20, 2009 at 11:25 pm #679954
cakeitseasyMemberDOW NOW!
It’s like the example of Sarah Palin activated these stealth right wing “Fem Bot” candidates who will keep popping up in elections from now on, making a mess of things, and revealing how very uninformed much of the electorate is. Actually, I think it all started with Mrs. Dole.
October 21, 2009 at 1:26 am #679955
JoBParticipantAt least Mrs Dole exhibited some intelligence
October 21, 2009 at 1:45 am #679956
TrisketParticipantTonight’s debate is just 15 minutes away! I’m with DOW!
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