the secret to happiness?

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    Charlabob dropped this in my facebook stream this morning… and as usual created ripples i want to share

    i know.. it has a lightweight title.. but this article is not so much a self help article but a self realization article… for both individuals and the nation.

    well anyway.. it spoke to me.



    This article gave me a lot to think about in regards to my own happiness…

    i am fundamentally a lot happier than most of you who describe me as a scold on the forum would assume :)

    I think there is a lot to genetics ..

    i fight to overcome mine regularly coming from two genetic lines full of alcoholism and depression

    and the chronic illness that tagged alone hasn’t helped.

    and basic economic security matters a lot

    that roof over your head and food in your fridge really contribute to happiness

    but more than that.. i believe work matters…

    Even though i am no longer able to be employed .. i still work at doing what i do as well as i can do it… and i find a surprising amount to do.

    i am engaged with life…

    and i think that contributes a great deal to the woman most of you never see who sits here with a smile on her face as she types…

    i may be more direct than most people are comfortable with..

    but i care a great deal…

    and in the end.. that caring is my saving grace…

    LOL.. irritating to some

    encouraging to others

    what more could i ask ;->



    Are you about comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable?? ;-)



    lets see a second opinion might be needed never no and this dude is cheap lmao….


    2 Much Whine

    JoB, I’m sorry but I can’t really place too much faith in the studies referenced in that article. In a discussion of happiness they did not mention BACON even once. How can a valid discussion of happiness not include a steaming plate of thick-cut BACON?



    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm….BACON !!!



    2 Much Whine

    there is bacon in the fridge

    i try to save it for special occasions

    like when i want it

    but it is always there …

    i thought bacon was understood ;-0


    you maketh me smile


    were you my second opinion today ;-> ;->



    Mr. Piggleston is very disappointed in you all. ;)

    Also, here’s why I don’t eat bacon or octopus…those critters are smart. Pigs are as smart as, and in some cases, smarter than dogs! And just as cute, if you ask me.

    So if you would hesitate to eat a puppy, I think you should think twice about eating a piggy. I know this wasn’t where you meant to take this conversation, but as someone once said…’tis the season to be contrary. ;)



    Pangolini pie..

    i agree that pigs are smart

    but they wouldn’t hesitate to eat me ;->

    so.. who is smarter?





    even though they are sometimes my bestest friends

    i have no illusions about my animal’s priorities…

    or any animal’s priorities for that matter…

    i eat meat.

    I am aware exactly what i am eating

    and because i am …

    i prefer to eat meat that was raised and slaughtered in a humane environment

    i know there is life without bacon

    but i would find that a cruel sacrifice ;(



    is bacon essential to my happiness?

    i don’t know.

    but it probably ranks right up there…

    that sounds so shallow :(

    but life without pleasures is .. well ..

    less pleasurable





    My mom always said find what you love and “harness your heart to it.” This coming from a middle class girl who’d held 34 jobs before finding her niche managing other women selling china and crystal. The same china and crystal that fed me and housed me and gave me an education through grad school. I like my job, but I do not love it. But that is OK. I know too many people whose day jobs are a source of irritation to them and their loved ones who get the fallout. Granted, no one ever died wishing they spent more time at work.



    I love that saying…

    find what you love and harness your heart to it..



    this morning’s addition to my thinking process

    opportunity is the gift within the gift

    if you miss the opportunity in this moment there will be another opportunity in the next

    if you are grateful you are not fearful :))))



    Thanks for that, JoB.

    Good watch.




    some days it is very hard to remember what you are grateful for..

    to live in gratitude for the moment…

    but then …

    i catch sight of a hummingbird zeroing in on the birdfeeder..

    or catch the sweet spot on the dog

    or glimpse the Olympics as i drive towards the Junctions

    or stop to breathe the scent of snow

    or slip into a tub full of warm water

    or catch the moment of surprise and gratitude when you do something unexpectedly nice for someone else

    or catch parents interacting positively with their children

    or see a door opened for someone who is struggling

    or spend a few minutes over a cup of tea in honest conversation


    maybe it’s not so very hard after all :)

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