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September 21, 2015 at 12:23 am #827908
dobroParticipant“You Lunatics do realize…”
Once again, GFY unless you can learn a little bit about civil discourse. I’m not hopeful.
September 21, 2015 at 12:51 am #827909
mrseattleMemberOh.. and I could not prove my point better than using Mr. ” J242 ” as an example. What a Brain trust.
Read ” J242″ and you will get a glimpse into the lack of any sort of historical perspective and common sense.. of course.
Yeah..OK J242 . You bet. In the former Soviet Union it wasn’t the Brother of the Party Member that got the job it was the Most skilled. Lets hear about delusion.!
Have you EVER seen a movie or read a book about the former Soviet Union or Cuba or…?
It was NEVER the Senior party member that got the house on the hill.
That is so unbelievably Nutt’s that its scary.
and I am sure since there is Noone concerned with a Profit that always the Best person will be hired for the Job.
and exactly HOW do you know if you find the ” Best / Most skilled ” person for the Job ? It certainly wasn’t from how much productivity he brought to the last company via any sort of Profit equation ?
Just like when the Lunatics wanted $15.00 per hour minimum wage. It was going to be a HUGE success ? I actually heard some say that there would be MORE jobs available ?
Well, The city has lost 1,800 restaurant jobs in just the last how many months.
I bet J242 is Stunned.
Now the ” Free Market ” is aggressively pursuing automation because of that brilliant idea.
What we should have done is go to $20.00 that will work.
Gee. a Tiny glimpse of Centralized Decision making at work.
September 21, 2015 at 12:59 am #827910
JKBParticipantDobro, I think we all understand GFY even if it’s just initials. How do you lecture on civil discourse with that?
September 21, 2015 at 1:21 am #827911
935ParticipantSeptember 21, 2015 at 4:05 am #827912
dobroParticipantI wasn’t lecturing. As I demonstrated with the quotes, we’re dealing with a person that shows no respect for any of the posters on this site and tars everyone with “bigot” and worse. Mostly, I’ve not engaged with this poster but, in this case, (and in another thread) I expressed my feelings about his style of discourse.
Feel free to chat with someone that calls you a bigot, lunatic, etc. I’ll leave it to you.
September 21, 2015 at 5:50 am #827913
JanSParticipantwhat boggles my mind is that a bunch of you are taking this troll seriously. I don’t mind saying that on here. He doesn’t give a damn about y’all, or me, and makes no bones about how he feels about the posters here. Maybe people put up with that on other forums, but…not me. I started this thread to have a civil discussion about Bernie Sanders. Obviously that can’t happen if you all keep engaging this person who is intent on trashing any and all serious political discussion on here. Never mind.
Dobro…two thumbs up !
September 21, 2015 at 8:15 am #827914
JKBParticipantWell, character will reveal itself. Dobro stands by GFY, and JanS offers two thumbs up. Not sure up where. Anybody else?
September 21, 2015 at 1:08 pm #827915
redblackParticipantyeah, sure, JKB. i’m in.
i should have called godwin on this thread about 50 posts ago.
mrseatttle’s opening salvo suggested that a vote for bernie sanders is a vote for authoritarianism and genocide.
maybe it’s just me, but i can see how some people might find that offensive. and, like i said, anyone who has heard what bernie sanders has to say would know that he’s as far from a commie-sympathizing megalomaniac as one can get.
but if you believe that taxing corporate america at a fair rate will lead directly to gas chambers, i guess that’s your right.
September 21, 2015 at 3:05 pm #827916
TanDLParticipantLove it when you express an opinion and someone points their finger at you and screeches “liberal” with fire breathing out their nose. Whenever I see mrseattle’s or similar rants, I automatically visualize a “Berkeley Breathed” cartoon.
As for Bernie… I like him. He speaks common sense from the heart and he doesn’t try to convince people that he will do it all for them. Quite the contrary. He says it will take all of us together to pull our country back from the billionaires who continue to accrue while the rest of us have our country taken from us. And he doesn’t think any case for war should be at the very top of our list of priorities. I know some folks think that philosophy makes us look weak, but I’ll never personally advocate for our sons and daughters being sent off to die for anything other than a very last resort. And if someone wants to point their finger at me and screech “liberal” to me, then fine. Screech your lungs out.
Bernie also wants to provide free college tuition for our young people by taxing the billionaire class of people and corporations – oh the horror. Better those kids join the military and be shipped off to war, to fight for those billionaires and their corporate minions than get free tuition for an education?
I’m watching all the candidates closely and keeping an open mind, but so far Bernie resonates.
September 21, 2015 at 3:16 pm #827917
Are you proposing a proper way to deal with trolls who aren’t content to simply provoke a reaction but hurl insults at posters as well?
Judging people’s character on their responses to this, particularly when they have an established record of well-intended commentary seems a bit strained. It seems to me your “Not sure where” comment reveals something about your own intent to promote conflict or discord rather than politeness.
September 21, 2015 at 3:41 pm #827918
2 Much WhineParticipantSeptember 21, 2015 at 4:21 pm #827919
JoBParticipantmr Seattle
“exactly HOW do you know if you find the ” Best / Most skilled ” person for the Job ? It certainly wasn’t from how much productivity he brought to the last company via any sort of Profit equation ?”
LOL.. nice description of our current crop of CEOs
September 21, 2015 at 4:24 pm #827920
JoBParticipantshucks guys
i find mrSeattle amusing ..
he has yet to say anything that can be taken seriously
and yes.. some days i do miss kootch
September 21, 2015 at 7:01 pm #827921
JanSParticipantDear JKB…I am 68 years old…past the time that I care if you dislike someone saying GFY or anything else. I’m tired of being PC in some situations. I am not offended by what dobro says, and it doesn’t seem that anyone else is either, except maybe you. You do not know me, nor my character, and vice versa. Don’t judge. People may be amused by mrseattle. I’m offended way more by what he is saying than GFY.
Happy Monday to everyone !
September 21, 2015 at 8:43 pm #827922
waynsterParticipantTo get back on track here is a new pole out and bernie is slipping fast……
September 21, 2015 at 9:55 pm #827923
JoBParticipantClinton has always had the lead in the national polls… not to mention the fact that how you frame the poll has a great deal to do with the outcome.
October 7, 2015 at 6:46 pm #827924
HMC RichParticipantBiden will win if he decides to seriously run. He may put his foot in his mouth every once in awhile, but he is not a conniving two faced liar like Mrs. Clinton. Joe is much more trustworthy and like-able. This is not a hard choice.
October 7, 2015 at 7:05 pm #827925
HMC RichParticipantGFY!!? Oh my, are you people throwing a fit? LMAO. I guess the answers from the liberal troll well have dried up. (Not fun when it is aimed at your opponent). Come on, rub some dirt on it and get back in the game. Just remember . . . At some point everyone is wrong.
October 7, 2015 at 8:38 pm #827926
can you tell me again why democrats should take candidate suggestions from people who support the tea party?
just wondering.
October 7, 2015 at 9:19 pm #827927
JTBParticipantHi Rich, thanks, but I think the forum pretty well dispensed with the GFY matter several weeks ago and moved onto other issues. To that point, isn’t it surprising how well Bernie continues to do? I think his debate with Hillary should be very helpful to the Democrats in examining views on a number of critical topics like the TPPP, bank regulation, gun control, continuing health care reform and tax policy.
October 7, 2015 at 9:26 pm #827928
JanSParticipantRich…specifically…conniving two faced liar..you are referring to what lie? I certainly hope it’s not Benghazi, since we all know what that was about now, unless you’ve been under a rock. So…what lie are you talking about? Specifically.
October 7, 2015 at 9:26 pm #827929
JTBParticipantJoB, a little off topic of the OP, but I am tickled by the GOP (in the form of Kevin McCarthy) ripping off the veneer of pretending the current Benghazi hearings are about anything other than smearing Hillary.
Nevertheless, it’s a sad state of affairs when once again, we have to wait for the GOP to overplay its hand before the Democrats and the media get serious about calling them out.
October 7, 2015 at 9:37 pm #827930
JanSParticipantJTB…even sadder is the 4+ millions that have been spent on the tax payers dime to smear her. And the people who did it have no shame, and don’t give a damn about saddling us with more useless debt. And they want McCarthy to take Mr. Boehner’s place? Or that slimy Mr. Chaffetz, who pulled a graph out of his ass, and some right wing site, on the Planned Parenthood “investigation” debacle? That’s sad….and yes, the emperor has no clothes. So tired of these dishonest , crackpot politicians doing crap like this.
October 8, 2015 at 4:42 pm #827931
JoBParticipantJTB.. hubris is a terrible thing and we have watched it play out with our tax dollars :(
October 8, 2015 at 9:03 pm #827932
JanSParticipantand…now McCarthy has taken his name out of consideration. Hope Chaffetz is next…
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