Spy type planes over West Seattle (Not a joke)

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    My wife and I were outside Thursday night about 8:10 and I had my binoculars, looking at a bird when I noticed a jet off to the west and then noticed a tiny, odd shape beyond the jet. Putting the binocs up I was shocked to see two “spy planes” very high up, headed towards upper Fauntleroy. These were the flying wing type of planes and it was just a bit spooky watching as they approached and continued on towards the SE. They were amazingly quiet although that may have been due to their altitude.

    Anyone else see them and/or have ideas on what they were up to?

    Having googled some images after I wrote this first bit I’m thinking they may actually have been F-117 Nighthawks.



    Didn’t see these, but I definitely heard & saw the 8 grey jets (2 sets of 4 flying in unison)cruising at fast rate of speed from east to west over WS last Sunday around 4:45pm. Looked like they were headed right into airspace where planes had just taken off from Boeing Field.



    Wednesday… I saw those jets too. I knew it wasn’t the Blue Angels. Both in two groups of four flying in tight formation. Color Black I thought. Eeeerrriiiee…



    JumboJim, I saw something similar a couple months back. Not supper high altitude, very small plane, sleek & white, with a strange rear wing placement and black oval window on the underside. Very quiet. Haven’t seen it since.


    F-117’s were retired back in 2008. Glad they were the “flying wing type”…the non-flying type suck! Might be F-22 Raptors from Elmendorf AFB in AK following a re-fueling tanker (KC-10 or KC-135?)on their way to military exercises somewhere south?



    don’t worry, the black helicopters are just dropping census workers to infiltrate your personal property and count your toliets

    it’s all part of the grand plan to take over the world, one toliet at a time



    Actually, it’s Dick Cheney’s private army; they know about us.

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