rock retaining walls

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    Anyone have a recommendation for contractors who install rock retaining walls? Big boulder type.



    Eagle Rock Construction – Tim Sayler – 937-5062. He can point out numerous examples of their jobs in WS. Very conscious of engineering/stability and if there is a way to be an artist with a backhoe and a boulder, Tim’s found it. It was amazing to watch him place a piece, look, turn it, look, and adjust, until it was just right…all with a big hunk of metal (arm of the backhoe). He also guided us with ideas to add to visual interest and ease of access for weeding where we wanted plantings. Thumbs up!



    Great recommendation. We already have the wall done, it was completed within one day and my neighbors marvelled at the care and consideration of the terrain. Tim was great!



    So glad it worked out for you!!



    A couple years ago I had Urban Landscaping do my large rock retaining wall. Two guys came out, had to readjust one section, but even with that were done in a day and a half.



    Hi, Thanks for All the Kudos. My husband is Tim Sayler and our company Is Eagle Rock Construction With the extereme conditions last winter and freezing temps this can cause damage to many rockeries and or hillsides. We also help people with water issues.With all the rain coming down this year there has been rockslides and flooding in West Seattle. Tim has a lot of expertise in these matters. Ways to get through the bureaucracy of the DOT and city of Seattle.

    “If Water is Your Problem, Eagle Rock is your Solution”



    Hmm. What about “if your neighbor’s yard is your problem, Eagle Rock is your solution?” Hee hee. Can you have that slogan too?

    Wondering about rock retaining wall for neighbor’s yard that’s being held up by our old rusty chain link fence that we’d really like to get rid of. We want to have our fencer do a cool wooden extension of the rest of our woodent fence, but of course their dirt and yard would rot that right out. No one lives there, house is for sale. Rockdog09? Any thoughts?

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