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    I have a huge rhubarb plant. when is it ripe or can you pick it and let it ripe? if you want some great come get it. a donation of cat food would be appreciated.

    just pm and i can give you details



    If yours is like mine, there are plenty of stalks ripe now. just pull them off at the rootball, cut off and discard the leaves and cook and eat the stalks. favorite recipe: Bluebarb (essentially, blueberry rhubarb crumble).




    Rhubarb is best when young, which is probably right about now. So chop all the nice, red stalks now. Discard the leaves, which are actually toxic, and then chop the stalks into 1″ bits and chuck them in the freezer.

    You definitely have to wait to eat it until your strawberries or blueberries start popping up and you can mix in the fruits’ sugars with the rhubarb’s sour in some sort of pie.

    The only other real way to eat it is to pour a pound of sugar on it, which isn’t all that healthy, yeah?

    Harvested most of mine yesterday.




    Sounds interesting. But you’ll have to let me know how many spoons of sugar you take with your rhubarb juice. Unless you love all things sour, it ALWAYS needs sugar, whether natural, artificial, or alcoholic. I think it’s best to wait for the natural berries, but to each their own. Enjoy your Rhubarbtini. I’ll be looking forward to the berry crop.

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