refreshing honesty

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    so i just read the king county voters’ pamphlet for the primary election on 8/7/18. yeah, i do that. i like to see who’s who before i vote, so i can call myself an informed voter. i even read the fine print for the initiatives!

    anyway, did you know that there are 28 challengers for washington’s US senate seat? so, obviously, that doesn’t include maria cantwell (D-WA), who has won reelection twice since 2000. 29 choices! we should revel in our diversity, right?

    love her or hate her, cantwell’s challengers are a colorful field, and among them is goodspaceguy, the perennial cascadia wannabe politician – who, ironically, claims to hate politics and politicians.

    the guy who stands out, though – hands down! – is alex tsimerman (Prefers StandUpAmerica Party. because who doesn’t like being stood up? amirite?) he’s on page 19 of the king county voters’ pamphlet. he also (allegedly) has a web site at

    and what a refreshingly honest guy! from his statement in the voters’ pamphlet:

    Are we better now than a few years ago? Stop Seattle fascism with idiotic face!

    man, anybody who has enough honesty, humility, and sheer guts to admit that he has an idiotic face right there in the voters’ pamphlet gets my vote.

    redblack out.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by redblack.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by redblack.


    Sounds like he’s the next Goodspaceguy!



    I met Alex at an anti-fascist rally. He is out there, walking the talk.



    He may be walking the talk, but what the heck is the talk?

    I, Alex Tsimerman, speak to you Seattle emerald degenerate super smart freaking idiot, who bring Seattle to number one fascist city in America with Nazi−socialist−Gestapo principle. That always choose dirty garbage rats that drink from fatcat toilet and who make your life miserable and brought us to total collapse. Enough is enough it cannot go forever.



    I don’t know what this gobbledygook quote is supposed to mean and I did read the voters pamphlet. Who, exactly is he addressing? What is he claiming as his issues?

    I love reading the pamphlet, it lets me know who all of the kooks and crackpots are.



    i will say this much .. he made the voters pamphlet entertaining



    jo: the voters’ pamphlet is always entertaining. and it’s free*!

    * provided that you’re registered to vote, or can and want to get to a public library.

    seaopgal: so, whose rally was claiming that the other guys are fascists? you know, where you and the illustrious mr. tsimerman crossed paths.

    ’cause everybody is claiming the other guys are fascists. even the actual fascists are doing it.



    I was amused to see that Tsimerman only has 156 votes so far. Even Goodspaceguy got 1,095!



    156 votes is 155 too many.


    “Refreshingly honest”. Didn’t a lot of people say that in 2016 about a certain presidential candidate? Or that he “spoke his mind” or “you know where you stand with him”? A 3 year old speaks their mind, and you know where you stand with them, and many of them are refreshingly honest, but they wouldn’t make good leaders. I need a little more than that to vote for someone!



    haven’t been on here much, missed this convo. A question…should candidates running be subject to an impartial mental health eval before getting their name on the ballot? Asking for a friend ;-)

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by JanS.

    Michael Waldo

    Or at least a drug test!

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