Real Estate Appraisal Trainee/Researcher (Commercial)

Home Forums West Seattle Jobs Offered Real Estate Appraisal Trainee/Researcher (Commercial)

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  • #1018505


    Email: if you are interested in learning more.

    Real estate appraisal encompasses several fields of knowledge including aspects of real estate law, economics, finance, surveying, architecture and construction. It takes a true generalist to be successful. The work we do is challenging and intellectually stimulating on a daily basis. There is a lot of pressure to perform at a high level professionalism, not only in your report writing but also in your communication and interaction with clients and property owners.

    A researcher/trainees role for the first 6 to 12 months will entail a great deal of data gathering, file managing, and working on report set-up and presentation, like preparing maps, pictures, editing property profiles, formatting, etc.. The analysis and report writing comes a bit later after you’ve taken some of the core appraisal curriculum.

    Every appraisal report is essentially broken into many small tasks – several of which are automated, while several are assigned to the research/trainee. We use systems to allow us to train the new employees incrementally; progressing them into more complex task once they show proficiency each step along the way.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by plamb5262.
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