RAVE!! When I lost my son

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    I recently lost my son in the most tragic way. With his loss I didn’t know what to do, who to call. A new local Funeral Home was just opening. I called, Mike and Craig Emmick from Emmick funeral services. They came to my home. Sat with me as I cried, greeted my family and friends as they arrived. I had no clue what to do. My son was so bad that the Seattle coroner said he should not be viewed. My heart breaking not being able to say good bye, Craig and Mike arranged his body so that I could hold his hand, and say good bye, and to have closure. Emmick family funeral services helped me with every step. So many options I didn’t know about. They still check in with me in such a loving manner. They are on the 3200 block of California Ave. I am so pleased with everything they did. I just needed to share, in case you ever need them.



    Pattilea, my heart breaks for your loss. But I’m so glad that you found a professional and caring company to help you through it. It’s an industry where so many could take advantage of someone’s grief, so always good to know who the good guys are!



    Second your thoughts, Sue. Just gut wrenching. So sorry for your loss, Pattilea. Thanks for the recommendation. Others will undoubtedly be reassured by your experience with them. And that’s a big thing in such a painful time.



    Pattilea, I cannot fathom the depth of your heartache. Thank you for passing on this information to other people who might find themselves searching for a service like that in their time of need.



    pattilea, deepest condolences on your loss….




    Thank you for your well wishes. I just thought this would be a good way to say thank you to them.



    sorry for your loss pattilea…this is when rave reviews really mean something. What is the name of the funeral home…tried to look them up. Would like to check out their website.



    Emmick Family Funeral Services 206 935-2207.



    Happywalker I found their website Emmickfunerals.com



    pattilea, I’m so sorry for your loss. As you know, there are no words to express how my heart aches for you. I also lost my son and while our pain is different (he was an infant), I do understand how important it is to find a funeral home that treats you with love and respect. I’m so glad you found Emmick Family and so glad you shared your story with us. I wish you as much peace as is possible. I’ve heard that The Compassionate Friends is very helpful, if you’re looking for people to share your grief with who’ve been through it.



    pattilea, terribly sorry for your loss. thank you for posting this in your time of grief. i’m of the ilk who will always envision the worst-case scenario, and i’m thankful to you, because just knowing who to turn to if the unimaginable were to happen is worth everything.

    my deepest sympathy, pattilea. blessings & peace.

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