RAVE: to the person at Westwood who put my lost earring where I could find it!

Home Forums West Seattle Rants & Raves RAVE: to the person at Westwood who put my lost earring where I could find it!

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    I spent hours on Friday retracing my steps in an effort to find the earring of my grandmother’s that I lost. A huge RAVE and “thank you” to whoever found my earring near Barnes and Noble and put it on the trash lid for me to find. I did find it, and it made my day – my week even!



    i love it when someone you don’t know goes out of their way to be kind..

    they couldn’t have known that was your grandmother’s earring..

    yet they took the time to put it where you could find it anyway…



    So glad you found your earring! I’m the person who found it and wondered if it had been recovered. Good bees!



    Good news!



    These types of posts simply amaze me – and in a very good way…

    Someone loses something, finds it when retracing his/her steps, and writes about it. The person that initially discovered the lost item had to think about where to place it so the owner would actually see it when searching – as well as have the faith that everyone else would leave it alone. And then everything comes together when the finder and the owner are united in this forum.

    Same thing happened last week with lost keys at Madison. And in another post, somebody recognized that one of the post replies came from someone who had moved to San Francisco and there was wonder if they had indeed moved back.

    Life here mirrors that new AllState commercial: “Wow, it’s like we’re connected…” Quite spiritual if you ask me.

    Anyhow, this is one of my bright spots for the day… Thank you!

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