Rant: Where are the shovels?

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    I’ve called 12 places — hardware stores, Costco, department stores — looking for a show shovel anywhere in the greater Seattle area. No luck.

    I’m from Alaska and moved here this past spring and I’m a bit shocked at how crippled the city has become. I’ll admit, having just moved into this house in Sept., we were not prepared to shovel the snow. Any suggestions of where to locate a shovel? I’m near 35th & Thistle.



    It only snows here every three years and rarely lasts more than a day or so… So, no the stores do not carry snow shovels.



    I was actually at Home Depot about a week ago, right after the first snow, and my dad (visiting from out of town) pointed to a big bin of snow shovels and offered to buy me one. I told him no thank you, and that we don’t really get enough snow here to justify owning a snow shovel.

    At least, we didn’t the last 3 winters I was here.




    I also need a shovel, our stairs are killing me. Please let me now if you find one. :)



    Can you borrow one from a neighbor?


    Borrowing is not really an option. Most of my neighbors are off at work… or vacation… or something.



    When I bought my snow shovel a few years ago, Home Depot didn’t even call them snow shovels. The shelf label said “grain shovel”. But it sure looked like a snow shovel to me!


    Have you tried calling gardening stores? Probably a long shot at this point…



    If you are near me (49th and Dawson) you can borrow mine.



    The snow doesn’t know it’s supposed to be a snow shovel:) Got spade? Start shovin’


    I don’t have ANY gardening equipment, except a small rake. That will not move snow. I swept with a push broom on Saturday, but now the snow is too heavy and dense to sweep effectively.

    I just moved into a house from an apartment and I don’t have all of the equipment to maintain the property.



    lonelyicefloe: what part of AK? My bitter half is also a transplant. We should have coffee sometime.



    Aim; “…bitter half…”

    Was that funny or freudian? :)



    I got lucky. The electrician was here working on another unit and I had heard something outside and went to check on it. It ended up being falling icicles. I asked them if they happened to have a shovel in their truck (I was desperate at this point). They had four and sold me one for $7 :) I was finally able to dig out my car so maybe I can go into work tomorrow.

    I am on the 5000 block of Delridge if anyone needs to borrow it just send me a PM!



    i figure that if i cant borrow one from my upstairs neighbor, i will attempt to scoop with my dust pan.


    No shovels to be found in the city. Got a big metal dust pan, that will have to do. Went knocking on neighbor’s doors and no one answered… even though I can see they’re home. Hrmph. Bah humbug, I say.

    From south central Alaska… technically from the lovely hometown of Sarah Palin. Oh geez. Yes, Wasilla, also my hometown.



    CM: “Bitter half” was intentional. Soclwrkrinmotn is my partner, and the expression works for us. :)

    Lonelyicefloe: Someone I know (aforementioned partner) sings “Deep in the Heart of Wasiller” when he’s being a smartypants. He’s from Fbx.

    Night, all. Stay warm!



    Don’t worry, lonelyicefloe, the snow will be essentially gone in a few days. I’ve been here a long time (from upper midwest, where a shovel wasn’t nearly enough) and haven’t been able to justify the purchase of a snow shovel yet. It would be nice to have, but it just never comes to mind until all the stores are out, lol. Then the next day, the need disappears, and we forget til it surfaces 2-3 years later. :)

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