Rant: Parked Running Cars

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    I thought West Seattleites had some eco-consciousness. But even in 60-plus degree weather, they don’t think anything of running their engines just to sit in one place. My favorite was the Navigator outside PCC. Really? Organic food and completely unaware of global warming. Usually if asked they say “I’m on the phone.” My phone works without running off a car battery. I can’t say anything more urgent than “global warming” or “climate change”. And, your children and grandchildren will breathe this air, so don’t tell me you’re doing it for them.



    I sat in the Edmond’s Kingston Ferry line last night, and the truck next to me had his engine running for the half hour wait, it was awful. I got out and went for a walk, so I didn’t have to smell it.



    I notice this a lot at the detour to West Seattle from SODO, if there is a train switching and the wait may be a good half hour or more. Turn off your engines, people!!!



    This is one feature I do like about my hybrid: sit there long enough (and “long enough” is typically less than a minute) and the engine shuts itself off.



    Switzerland created a law where cars must be shut down at stop lights. It saves gas, pollutes less. Worse offenders, though, are those diesel trucks. They think they won’t start if shut off.



    I haven’t noticed it so much around here, but I went to visit my Mom in Calgary last year and was shocked at the line up of cars outside Starbucks, with no one in any of them, running…and running…and running, as people stood in line for their coffee. I’d never seen anything like it. My Mom said it is a completely normal and accepted practice there. One she didn’t participate in.

    Hubby was stationed in Germany for awhile and there is a 30 second law there and from what I understand it IS enforced.

    – the “Original” MB



    A diesel engine needs compression to ignite… and that means a far heavier load on the starter than a sparked gasoline ignition. They ain’t cheap












    I have to warm up my car in the am. I leave the house very early (what most people would consider the middle of the night) and it’s cold at that hour from October through May or June. An I’m not just being a wuss – I have an autoimmune illness, a related lung disease, and a related cold sensitivity that makes the cold air extremely painful. It can actually send my body into a spiral or inflammatory responses that end up with me missing work for days or weeks.

    I agree that most people are just being lazy, and most people in general are fairly thoughtless. It’s human nature, I think, to be a bit of an ass at times when we’re preoccupied. But don’t forget about benefit of the doubt. Sometimes there’s a good reason. Sometimes your apparently healthy but apparently lazy neighbor has more going on than you realize.



    kootch is right about the diesels. shutting them off for stops less than 5 minutes or so is more wasteful than keeping them running. that’s also true of older gas engines.

    doesn’t do crap for reducing sulfur dioxide or carbon monoxide in the air, though.

    modern cars, though? shut ’em down at drawbridges and ferry lines, unless you’re in danger of freezing to death.

    or you have good reason to believe it may not start again…

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