Rant (fitness gyms)

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    Why oh why do people that go to the gym, specifically Ian’s fitness, park directly in the front? Like one foot away? Haha it’s so funny to me.



    Seriously! And they consistently block the sidewalk, even when there’s street parking 2 blocks away. Just out of curiosity, have you ever contacted the owners? I never have, but I think about it every day on my way home from the bus.



    This must be about some super secret knowledge that the OP has because this means nothing to me. I try to park in front of establishments I frequent all the time. I park in from of my house. I try to park closer to my destination than further.

    Care to be a little more clear about what it is that you’re complaining bout?



    I read it as the OP finding it ironic that people would drive to a place to exercise, but not sure.

    I’m not familiar with this gym at all, but the OP did remind me of this: https://medium.com/neighbors-for-more-neighbors/fauxgressives-quarterly-58da0531b29b and the faux article “The best cars to take to your treadmill gym”



    Oh, funny, I may actually have a different issue than the OP! Just for background, the parking lot at Ian Fitness is small and oddly-configured: the part that fronts on California is shallow and the part that fronts on Juneau is just weird, plus hilly, and it’s hard to tell where you’re supposed to park. The lot fills up fast when there’s a class; also, the shallow California-fronting part of the lot is not deep enough for larger vehicles to park head-in without blocking the sidewalk. There’s nothing wrong with parking in front of or close to the place you’re going as long as you’re parking safely and legally. The customers at this business routinely do things like:

    – parking head-in even though their car can’t fit without blocking the sidewalk (illegal, and unsafe because it forces anyone using the sidewalk–which in that neighborhood includes, based on my direct observation, folks using strollers, wheelchairs, and knee scooters–into the driveway or the street)
    – parking head-in but not pulling in far enough, so that they’re blocking the sidewalk anyway, even though their car would fit if they would pull forward just a TINY bit more
    – parking on the street next to a driveway and not leaving enough space for other cars to enter or exit safely–I’m talking right up to the edge of the curb cut, when five feet is what’s required. And it’s not just IanFitness’s driveway but the driveway of the apartment building next door, the driveway of Juneau Market across the street, and often the alley as well

    The thing that’s funny to me about this is the insistence on parking (illegally, unsafely, inconsiderately) so close to a crossfit class when there’s usually PLENTY of street parking within 2-3 blocks. Some of it does involve walking up a very minor grade, but if you’re headed to a crossfit class I would think that would just count as a bonus warm-up! And I have no way of knowing for sure, but besides the apparent unwillingness to walk, my guess is that some people would prefer to park illegally rather than park in front of a house because they perceive that as rude.

    Okay, that started as a clarification and turned into a full-on rant! I walk by this place five days a week on my way home from the bus, and if there’s a class in session it’s rare for there to be a day when one or more of these things isn’t happening, so I guess this has been building up for a while. Guess I’d better send the business a link to this thread now so that they get their chance to make things right by encouraging their customers to be more neighborly!



    So….. I’m a member at this gym (the very best in Seattle IMO, this is one of 10 locations) & let me just say to have off-street parking at a business on California Ave. is a luxury these days, we use it as we can. That said, yeah, most do park as close to the garage doors as possible to try to stay off the sidewalk which will get you a ticket. Personally I have a stupid long vehicle so if I can’t get a spot on the side I’ll park on the street. But, I come from points all over Seattle (and don’t actually live in WS) and usually am getting there JUST in time for class so trying to get as close as possible to not be late for warm-up — and to clarify, it is NOT crossfit.

    There are lots of members though that walk or bike or run to class. We do indeed try to be good neighbors…..maybe next time instead of “ranting”, come join us for a trial run — I was obese my entire adult life (25+ years) and was terrified to join a gym but it’s the BEST thing I’ve ever done, only thing I’ve ever stuck with (3 years on now & 80lbs. lost) b/c of the Community there — I LOVE IT and only agreed to move out of WS last summer b/c the community we were moving to had an IanFitness location. But I still go to the WS location as often as possible, re-arrange my schedule to do so, they’re my peeps and I love them and the trainers. An experience like none other I’ve found.

    And tell you what, just b/c I think it’s all that an a bag of chips, I’m going to send this thread myself to the manager of that location…. b/c believe me, we care, she cares.

    Keep in mind this location was originally built (I think) as a glass/garage/windshield replacement business, NOT a gym, so things morph and well… parking… on California Avenue…. just sayin’



    I just think it’s funny/ironic. No I’m not going to write the mayor about it. It just a quirky human observation. I think they would drive into the gym if they could lol.



    Oh tinyjewel you think it’s funny to stand in judgement of complete strangers and call it irony. It’s not, it’s criticial and sanctimonious.



    aa, it might be time to lighten up a bit :) tiny jewelry was simply making an observation and I think it’s ironic as well. Maybe you don’t understand it, see people go to the gym to exercise, but then they have to park really close to it so they don’t have to walk far. See the irony? It’s not judging. It’s an observation and kind of funny at that. Happy Holidays!




    It’s all good

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by jissy.


    It’s neither critical nor sanctimonious. It’s a simply a wry observation, aa.



    Thanks for the explanation jm, it was such a complex observation I didn’t understand.
    That is sarcasm.
    I stand by my opinion that the comment about where a person who is a complete stranger parks their car is judgement with an air of superiority. I disagree that mocking complete strangers is wry or ironic. aka “contempt prior to investigation”.



    aa – my explanation to you was sarcasm as well, lol. To each their own opinion! :)



    My elderly dad’s dentist is next door to that location. He is in a wheelchair and since the handicap parking space in front is often occupied, there have been many times I’ve parked around the corner on Juneau. If the sidewalk is blocked by the cars of people who are in too big of a rush to get to their class to find a parking spot on the street like I did, you can bet I will be judgmental and sanctimonious and they will probably have their class interrupted by me coming in to ask them to move their cars so I don’t have to push a wheelchair into oncoming traffic.



    I feel like this entire thread has become something I didn’t intend. Is there a way to delete this lol?

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