RANT: Construction at Alaska and Fauntleroy

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    I drive south on Fauntleroy every morning to work and arrive at Alaska around 715am, three times the double dump trucks have run me off the road. They signal late or not at all and swing into the left lane without looking and force me over the double yellow to avoid being smashed. This project stinks!!!!!!! Total rude, dangerous and irresponsible driving!



    There was another recent complaint related to this project:


    In the second posting, the OP includes info on whom to contact, to file complaints.




    I encourage everyone to file a complaint if you have had a near miss with one of these trucks. Also may be a good idea to use the resources to atleast express concern on a proactive level. Lets hope we aren’t reading about an accident or death in the future involving one of these dangerous vehicles/drivers.



    Kirsten’s contact list from the other thread:

    I made several calls and sent several emails.

    Everyone, please make calls and send emails too!!

    •Call SDOT and leave a message and send them an email to complain.



    •Chinn Construction


    The manager of the construction site at 3939 Edmunds is Mike Kalvelage

    •Our Police Precinct is the SW Precinct.


    They will pass the information to the traffic unit.

    The police have advice:

    •If a close call happens with a construction truck get the license # and description of the truck and call 911 right away.

    Yes, even though there wasn’t an accident. They are trying to crack down on the careless construction traffic because someone will get hurt



    I very much agree this traffic is out of hand. A week ago a semi blew a red light on alaska and fauntleroy way. Almost hitting a group of us. I called 911. There was no plates tobe seen. I’m hearing more storys like these. I think SPD needs more funding.



    This is only the beginning of what promises to be a long disruption of traffic flow along Alaska and Fauntleroy while this project proceeds.

    Judging from the way so many large pickups and SUV’s use parking spaces and navigate the streets of West Seattle, I assume most drivers are familiar with the notion that the driver of a big vehicle gets their way and has no obligation to observe rules of the road or basic courtesy. :-d



    This happened to me with a truck driving back to the site mentioned. I called the name of the company on the truck but make sure to get either a lic# or trk#. The company was very grateful for my call.

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