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    I’m a conservative and I live in West Seattle with my husband who is also a conservative. We’re wondering if there are any other people that share conservative values, and where we might find them.



    Arbor heights



    what do you see as ‘conservative values’ ?



    Depends on your definition of conservative, I suppose. I never thought it applied to my views until I moved out here. I have noticed that with very few exceptions they seem to have other (more productive?) things to do with their time and energy than ranting on the blog for hours on end day after day.



    rockhills: yeah, more productive things like throwing bricks through windows.

    francis57: if by ‘conservative’ you mean ‘Republican’, try the KC GOP website: Most legislative districts within the county have monthly meetings; check your voter reg card for your district #.

    You could also try calling the office of one of the KC councilmembers who is a Republican (the offices are non-partisan, but… Reagan Dunn, Jane Hague, Pete von Reichbauer and I believe Kathy Lambert are Republicans. These are all suburban or rural districts where the voters tend to be more conservative.) They may be willing to give you the councilmembers non-county web address.

    If you mean something else, it would help if you describe what you are looking for.



    there are little sub-districts right her in West Seattle that tend to be more conservative as well.



    Mars Hill?



    You would be surprised there are a lot of people who are at Mars Hill but have voted Democratic




    i wouldn’t.

    i think voting democrat is the christian thing to do :)

    no.. i was thinking of some of the more affluent areas of West Seattle…



    JoB, generally people with high incomes have advanced educations/professional degrees. And typically, the more educated one is, he becomes more socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Among those with limited education, say a high school diploma or less, the views skew both fiscally and socially conservative. Among the middle class, all sorts of mixes of views are found: social and fiscal liberal, social and fiscal conservative, social liberal/fiscal conservative, and the weirdest (in my opinion), social conservative/fiscal liberal (obviously not seen very often).

    Of course all of these political views across socioeconomic classes are also strongly influenced by geographical location, peer group, major life events (generational, like Vietnam vs. WWII), and career industry.

    In conclusion, I’d guess around here that you’d find more conservatives in the lower-income neighborhoods and more socially-liberal people in the middle and high-income neighborhoods. (This is not to say there are not exceptions to the rules, so I hope I don’t get flamed!)




    i think that is true up to a point..

    but just for giggles.. check out the distribution of registered republicans and democrats in West Seattle… and the distribution of political contributions to the two parties..

    it’s eye opening.



    True, especially when you get into the really-pretty-wealthy-but-not-enough-to-not-care-about-taxes crowd. ;-) Hollywood celebrities and our own Bill Gates can afford to be very liberal. I can afford to be very liberal because I don’t make a ton of money, thus I don’t pay taxes out the ears. Then there are those in that over-$250K (or so) but less than a few million annual income club…

    And business owners *tend* toward fiscal conservatism, but again, exceptions abound (see Jody Hall of Cupcake Royale, for instance). Also, there are plenty of people who’ve “made it” financially with little education, or those rich Christian conservatives with their own agenda to push.

    So anyway, OP, are you talking about socially conservative or fiscally conservative values?



    Francis, this is what happens when you ask a simple question. Good luck!



    That’s because it isn’t a simple question.


    HMC Rich

    Francis. The Republicans, not all conservative, but the people who support that party meet every 3rd Tuesday or Wednesday of the month at the Southwest Community Center. Or at least they did.

    Call the center and see if they are still meeting. I have not been able to attend for about a year.

    There are some other groups that meet in Burien sometime. More of a Glenn Beck, 9/12 Project group. One informal get together is coming up. Email me at I just made the email account because I really don’t want some of these fine upstanding but left leaning citizens to have my regular email address. They might send me a virus (unintentionally of course) LOL. And some of you can use that address to send me email about the error of my ways.

    For those of you who are of a conservative ilk, you should get Hillsdale College’s monthly Newsletter Imprimus. It is free regardless if you contribute to the school or not.



    There are more of us than you think – keep that faith!

    I would say that in our neighborhood we are at 50/50 – but we live West of 35th and North of Alaska and attend private school. If you count all of West Seattle we are definitely a speck of red in a sea of blue(has to do with youth, education levels, income and envy).

    Note: While most college graduates are conservative a vast majority of those with advanced degrees are liberal. It stems mainly from being brainwashed for 6-8 years vs 4 – and lots of them are now professors whose funding is dependent on money (I need *just* a few more million to prove Al Gore right kind of thing).



    Smitty, I’m a little confused…is there funding that isn’t dependent on money?



    Envy? Smitty, say more — but you should be prepared to defend that statement. Along with most of the rest.




    LOL.. i have had this conversation with my son who chose to homeschool his children to avoid liberal “brainwashing”.

    Some of us call that brainwashing education.. and you can tell it has worked when those who have been educated start questioning what they think they know.

    Like the idea that us liberals envy you conservatives … what’s to envy?



    what’s wrong with a little crossover interaction? good debate is always fun…



    still curious, what are ‘conservative values’? is this a question in regards to religion?? just politically?? what values do conservatives follow (differing from non-conservatives)?


    guess I ask because of the differing ideas on all sides. I know many who may be labeled fiscally conservative, but may also be labeled liberal when it comes to social issues… and vice-versa.


    or is a label that ‘strict’ in regards to your original question?




    i consider myself a conservative social democrat ;->

    i believe that it is cost effective to invest in both health and education… cheaper than paying for crisis healthcare, welfare and incarceration.

    but i don’t think that’s what most people call conservative values these days:)



    nuni at #13 –

    Funny. Oh, ya’ got love the constancy of some of the WSB forum crowd.

    I heart you people! ;)



    Thank you for all the replies, particularly the ones that actually answered the question.

    I look forward to meeting other conservatives in the neighborhood!




    you might be surprised at how much you like some of the rest of us too once you get to know us:)

    Nuni.. i love the left turns we take at the forum :->

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