post office 98116

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    Has anyone else had trouble getting their mail delivered from the 98116 PO on California? If so, what did you do to fix it? I have been missing things for a year or so but have been calling the PO since early June. Still isn’t fixed. Any ideas? Thanks



    I’ve had trouble. We asked for mail to be held for a certain period. They discontinued service immediately, did not reinstate service as requested, then couldn’t find out mail for DAYS.

    I was so frustrated and filed my share of complaints. Who knows if they make a difference.



    This happens to me everywhere. It happened when I lived in 98116 and now in 98136. USPS has complaint forms, you just need to ask for them. I would suggest getting a complaint form from a different post office than 98116 and returning to to the same post office you picked it up from. If you give it to the post office you are complaining about, it may get “lost”.

    We keep getting a neighbor’s mail who lives a couple blocks away from us. I was really mad when they delivered their medication to us.


    Thanks. I’ve filled out forms, called the PO directly, and 1-800-ask usps. Basically a form gets created and I get a call from the PO but all I get is “well, we’ll look into it…”

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