Pigeon Ridge heron rookery?

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    I know there used to be a small heron rookery in the greenbelt on the east side of Pigeon Ridge, a little bit north of where the new Duwamish Longhouse is. A few years ago, an eagle came and built a nest in the middle of the rookery, and I figured that was that. But today I heard a report of twelve great blue herons hanging out on a dock on the north end of Harbor Island, and that made me wonder if maybe the rookery is back in business? Anyone aware of heron nesting activity in WS greenbelts? (I promise I’m not going to go poking around in the trees if there’s an active rookery nearby, they like their privacy…but as the username suggests, herons are an interest of mine. I’m curious!)



    Hi…There is a woman named Suzanne Krom who is a West Seattle resident, and is the president of a non-profit called Herons Forever in Renton…a sanctuary for Great Blues. You might google the website for her non-profit, and maybe ask her…I’m sure she knows about most of the herons in this area…



    Here’s the Herons Forever Web site:


    Their email is heronsforever@gmail.com

    I have met Suzanne a few times; she is a lovely person who genuinely cares about herons and other birds. By the way, I saw a gorgeous, graceful heron along Alki this afternoon.

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