Part time help needed for pod school – Great pay for limited hours!

Home Forums West Seattle Jobs Offered Part time help needed for pod school – Great pay for limited hours!

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    6 West Seattle families ISO M-F, morning onsite child care for pod school. Kids are going back to school for only 3 hours in the afternoon, except Wed which remains remote. Need help in mornings prior to afternoon start. Looking for a fun, energetic applicant who can keep kids entertained with games and activities until school starts. Teaching experience not required. Generous pay for part-time work with commensurate experience. Start May 1st or sooner.

    Looking for:
    -M-F (3) hours a day 8:30-11:30, with 3-5 hours on Wednesday, 8:30-2:30 which remains remote.
    -Focused on the emotional development of children: Facilitate structured, healthy social interaction, schedule.
    -Able to provide a warm, supportive personality for kids
    -Able to take kids outside in all types of weather (except of course ice and extreme weather)
    -Able to communicate your needs and vision to us so that we can partner to support that vision
    -Love of crafts and nature is a plus

    Please email if interested. Thanks!

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by WSB.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by howa4363.


    I’m a former preschool teacher with a masters in early childhood education. I would love to hear more about this position. I haven’t worked with a pod school, but I’d love to hear more about how your pod functions, the ages of the kids and what you’d like a typical day to look like. I love crafts and nature centered activities.





    Hi Kat,

    Thanks for your interest. Please connect with me at so we can set up a time to talk further!

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