Park West Care Center (looking for comments)

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    Does anyone have any thoughts on Park West Care Center on Admiral?

    According to the Medicare site, their overall rating is 4 out of 5 stars, which is the same as the Kenny and The Mount.

    Feel free to write me directly at kevinmcc <at> comcast [dot] net if you would prefer to share privately.

    Thanks for any comments (good or bad.)



    Re.: Post # 1: Kevin, Do you have a link to the

    “medicare site” your reference? Thanks!



    It depends upon what type of care you are looking for when comparing. My mother was at Park West to recover from surgery and they were great. The PT was good, OT was good, no complaints. The atmosphere is a bit hospitally, but that’s what you get with most places. However, she first went to the Kenny and it really is mostly for their residents, the skilled nursing part for rehab. Otherwise, the Kenny has very good ratings for long term care (US News and World report 5 stars) and retirement, but for short-term recovery I would not recommend them. I have heard good things about the Mount but no first hand experience. So, yes, Park West is good — well, at least was a year ago!



    @ casaboba

    The link is and was provided BY Park West on their website.

    Here is the direct link to find and compare nursing home information on the Medicare site.

    @ itsme

    Thanks for your input. This is for a 1 to 2 week post surgery stay.



    My Dad has been at Merrll Gardens on 35th for 3 months now, he loves it. I thought where we as previously (Longview WA) was a really good facility. This is very nice and homey on a smaller scale. He now participitates in many of their activities. They even have a small scale Happy Hour which he enjoys. Resisents do get out quite a bit if they want to. Regular shopping twice a week. Sunday drive most Sundays. Church if desired. They all took a trip this wek to Snoqualmie Casino. Really fine dining as well. He’s HAPPY!



    My father was in the short-term recovery section of Park West from January through March and I was very pleased with the quality of care and compassion by the RNs, nursing assistants, physical therapists, social workers, and others. The rooms are shared,a bit on the small side, and sterile in ambiance, but I assume that is fairly normal.

    I didn’t look at the other local alternatives, but remember vividly from a tour of Tacoma area facilities seven years ago what a big difference there can be between facilities. Park West is one of the good ones.

    Addendum: I met a woman from Kirkland whose terminally ill husband was at Park West. Despite her long drive, she said she was grateful that her husband was in such a good facility.



    Hello, I am the Director of Public Relations for The Kenney and wanted to address the comment made by itsme. We pride ourselves on offering top of the line short term rehab with fairly consistent availability. We have an amazing physical, speech and occupational therapy staff that ensures our short-term residents receive the most out of their rehabilitation stay. We do only have 20 beds which is relatively small for a nursing unit so our admission process is different from other buildings; but the limited amount of beds does ensure a very high staff to resident care ratio and a close knit social environment. We specialize in rehabilitating cardiovascular patients, rehab after joint replacement and more. If you have any questions or comments about admission to the Kenney, please call 206-937-2800 and we’d be happy to talk with you.


    I have worked at Park West for over 7 years. It is a fabulous facility. I may be slightly biased, but I have seen many many facilities and Park West ranks right up there with the best of them. It is a good place to work as well. Come on over and visit if you like. Thanks. Also, it has been a 5 Star Facility for as long as I have worked at it. Only in the past week has the ratings changed for all the facilties in West Seattle. It’s still a great place

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