Package delivery

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    This is just a shout of frustration: Package deliverers used to make an effort to put things out of view on my porch, like behind the big flower pot next to the door. Now they just drop them on the doormat, in clear view of the street. And, they’ve stopped ringing the doorbell so I don’t know they’ve come, even when I’m home. What the heck? With all the thieves these days?!



    most delivery systems have a notification option..
    i know because my hubby calls me to let me know he has a package on the porch..



    @Jerald…it is not the delivery persons responsibility to “hide” your package even though the majority of them try to do so. My husband is a delivery person and at this time of year they are SWAMPED, just yesterday he had 140 stops (these were deliveries, not counting his pick up’s) and in those 140 stops had 445 packages. You do the math on just those stops, 140 stops in an 8 hour day.

    So let’s give these delivery people a break and some respect OK?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by upswife.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by upswife.


    I do have respect for delivery drivers. That’s why I choose UPS, where the drivers are unionized. That’s why I always shout “thank you” to them as they leave (if I happen to be home). However, the delivery person has a responsibility to at least make a good faith effort to ensure the package will be received. Our front porch has a half-wall around it which conceals much of the view from the street. It requires very little extra effort to place a package behind the half-wall. Placing it on the doormat where it can be seen by all borders on negligence.



    Well you’re danged if you do and you’re danged if you don’t (leave package other than front doorstep) because you can always pick it up at their WILL CALL.
    And I’m hoping you’re not stating negligence on the UPS for not doing so.



    I live in an apartment building that has doctors’ offices on the first floor, and then tenant apartments on the upper floors. The delivery drivers usually drop packages off at the manager’s office. But lately (and this has happened with 3 major carriers), if the manager’s office is closed for some reason, they mark the delivery as “business closed” and that they have to deliver another day. They don’t even bother to ring the door bell, and they never leave a note, which makes me wonder if they even came to the building. Many times the manager has gone home and I’m sitting upstairs, waiting for a package I’m expecting (and sometimes really need), and I don’t get it. It’s almost always an Amazon package, and I’ve complained to Amazon. They usually relay the complaint to the carrier. Once the USPS carrier left a snarky note in my mailbox that they don’t have access to the “tenant spaces” if the business is closed. Sure you do – it’s called a doorbell. And since the doorbell rings to my cell phone, I know whether I’ve missed someone or not. In every instance, none of them ring the bell. Incredibly frustrating.

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