Olympia Budget Protest Photos (11-29-11)

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    I went down to Oly town yesterday, to see some of those lawmaker folks and say Howdy.

    Oh, yeah . . . Some friends came along, too.

    And we said a lot more than just “Howdy.”

    (Pictures to follow. I’ll tell you when it’s the last one. –DBP)



    The good folks who drove us down there (Washington Community Action Network) asked us to write out our stories on little cards. Then they took pictures of us holding the cards.

    Then we tied the cards to red balloons, for delivery to the Capitol steps.

    This guy’s card said:

    Jobless in 2010, put strain on marriage which collapsed in 2011, move out, etc.

    Cost me $40,000, putting my meager retirement fund in jeapordy.

    I am one face in the 99%

    So why is he smiling? ‘Cuz that’s what you’re supposed to do when someone takes your picture. Right?


    30+ years in heavy construction.

    No work for more than 7 months.

    Unemployment is about to end.

    No health insurance.

    What’s next, more cuts?


    I’m a medical social worker in Seattle. Rather than cutting programs that help the most vulnerable in our community, consider cutting corporate tax breaks.


    We are ready to give more back to this country that we love.

    1% won’t you join us? We need your help.




    Heading out to see The Man . . .





    Shame on Chase! Shame on Chase!



    What ho, Gandalf! Be you with us, also?

    If Gandalf be for us, then who can be against us?

    (Plus, gotta love that cig!)



    Rah! Rah! Sis-boom-BAH!



    Lawmakers, take note: The 99% have arrived. Might as well cancel your other appointments for today . . .



    On the Capitol steps . . .

    Casa Latina ¡¡PRESENTE!!



    kootchman, this one’s for you . . .

    Miranda is a remedial math teacher at Evergreen College.

    She rode her bike to the protest.



    ♫ Falling in love again, what am I to do?

    Never wanted to . . .

    Can’t help it. ♫


    For some reason, I’ve always liked to take pictures of people taking pictures.

    In other words, I like to watch people watch.

    Call it a kink.



    Lissen up party people!

    This here is DeeDee . . .

    . . . and DeeDee is:

    ► A mother of two adorable kids.

    ► A charter member of Occupy Seattle.

    ► A force of Nature.

    Megaphone optional — know what I’m saying?

    She sat next to me on the bus ride down, and explained what was currently going on with Occupy Seattle and politics generally. I think she’s maybe had kind of a hard life. Especially lately.

    “I’m the black sheep of my family,” she confided.

    “Naw, don’t tell me that!” I said. “I can’t believe it.”

    Seriously. Girl has my esteem.

    Got a hold on politics n’ history like I’ve never seen.

    Knows how to lead people, etc.

    And courage? Oh yeah. She’s got it.

    Told her I’d vote for her for . . . whatever.

    She’s not running for anything just now, unfortunately.

    Oh well. Godspeed you in whatever direction you decide to take your worthy young life, DeeDee.




    When we got to the Capitol steps, we tied our “99%” balloons and attached personal stories to the handrails.


    We then went inside the building, where we marched around the halls for about an hour, chanting slogans:

    Schools are closing, it’s not fair!

    Time for banks to pay their share!

    Ain’t no power like the power of the people, ’cause the power of the people don’t stop! Say what?


    We were given photos of ourselves holding our “99%” stories to give to our state legislators and leave at the bottom of the Christmas tree as a “gift.”

    At that time, news people were talking to people about why they were there. This is Angela (who grew up in White Center) and her daughter Samantha sharing their story . . .




    thanks for the photos DP…

    not nearly as good as being there

    but definately better than seeing this on the evening news..

    i heard you were 2000 strong :)



    After ringing ’round the rosie in the Capitol for a while, a bunch of us came out and trotted over to the Cherberg Building, where protesters from Seattle and all over the state were joined by some hard-core political people from Occupy Olympia. We were there to attend the 2012 Supplemental Budget Meeting. At this meeting, members of the Ways and Means Committee would be discussing and voting on Governor Gregoire’s supplmental budget, which intends to cut hundreds of millions of dollars more, on top of the billions in social services programs that have already been cut. (Meanwhile, a sales tax increase of .5% is being considered to offset the continued hemorrhaging of revenues.)


    At the Supplemental Budget Meeting

    The roll was called and the chairman, Senator Ed Murray, began reading out the list of proposed cuts . . .


    § Reduce K-12 school year by four days ($99.2 million)

    § Reduce state support to colleges ($160.1 million)

    § Reduce chemical dependency services ($5.9 million)

    [ . . . ]


    Boy. It was quiet as a kid’s funeral in there. Which surprised me frankly, because I expected it to be kind of rowdy from the git-go. But when they heard the actual names of programs being cut, I think people were simply too stunned to say anything. Even the chairman sounded sick to his stomach. Nevertheless, he continued . . .


    § Reduce TANF [assistance to needy families] time limit to 48 months ($17.5 million)

    § Eliminate State Food Assistance program ($13.9 million)


    Finally, it happened; someone bellowed out a big glorious “Boo!” Then came another.

    The Chairman paused and looked up at us.

    “Frankly, I’m surprised that it took so long for someone to boo.”

    —His remark was supposed to be funny, I think. No one laughed.

    The Chairman continued . . .


    § Reduce TANF grant amounts by 2 percent ($7.2 million)


    More boos now . . . general disgust in the room.


    § Eliminate Disability Lifeline medical program ($8.7 million)

    § Reduce child care subsidy by 12% ($50.0 million)


    Somebody yelled: “Why don’t you tax Boeing instead of taxing the poor and shutting down these programs?”

    General approval for that last remark. People calling out: “Shame!”

    Suddenly, Angela from White Center (See #6) stood up and shouted “Mic check!” And the whole room — all 300 +/- of us, with the exception of Security and a couple older guys in suits — shouted out in one voice: “Mic check!”

    Angela then started reading one of the “I am the 99%” stories, with everyone else in the room repeating the story, word for word.

    Angela: I am a 12-year-old girl . . .

    People: I AM A 12-YEAR-OLD GIRL . . .

    Angela: My mom is trying hard to take care of us


    Angela: These cuts are going to hurt my family


    [Note: Loose paraphrase of what Angela said.]

    And so it went, with different people all over the room standing up on cue and yelling “Mic check!” and then telling personal stories, making statements, or otherwise criticizing the legislators, the tax structure, or corporations generally — with each and every word resonating in chorus from the throats of the audience.

    This impromptu call-and-response procedure is known as the “People’s Mic” – and it’s a beautiful thing to see, especially if you’re as sick and tired as I am of seeing poor people get shouted down by corporate poodles.

    Legislators and other “outsiders” were generally not allowed to speak during the Peoples Mic. After briefly lecturing us about decorum and courtesy, Chairman Murray adjourned the meeting and led several Ways and Means committee members with him out of the room.

    Unfortunately, when he returned, about 30 minutes later, the People’s Mic was still going strong and rowdy.

    State Troopers were starting to peek in from the hallway outside . . .


    [To be continued . . . tomorrow.]



    Ahem . . . OK, I’m back.

    Good morning.


    About 10 minutes into the Public Mic, a couple Occupy Oly guys at the front stood up, turned around, and explained how the “people’s” meeting would proceed. There were rules for who got to talk next, how to ask a question about procedure, how to voice your approval of what the speaker is saying (twinkle your fingers up), how to voice disapproval (twinkle down), and so forth.

    They called this process “General Assembly.” I’m told it’s used at Occupy! meetings all over the world.

    Here’s an *.avi file that will give you a better feel for what it was like:


    Note that the speakers are addressing themselves specifically to the under-30 crowd. (Ring a bell, anyone?)


    Although the General Assembly experience was interesting to me as a first-timer, there were some problems with it. For example, nobody elected these two guys leading the meeting — most of the Seattle people didn’t even know them, in fact — and after a bit it became clear that they were running mostly on testosterone. A couple of women near me were criticizing the loud guys in the room for drowning out the voices of women audience members who wanted to speak.

    Later, Chris, our team leader from Washington CAN, told us that the Occupy Oly guys had agreed with him in advance to share the floor with us but had reneged on that deal once the proceedings got started.

    (Testosterone. Don’t play that game!)

    In the end, a couple of State Troopers and Capital Security guys descended upon the Occupy Oly ringleaders and carried them out. The “official” legislative meeting then continued on its depressing way, and most of us headed back to the Capitol building proper, where we gathered to sing anti-corporate Christmas carols around the jolly huge Christmas tree set up in the rotunda.



    Tax the Rich

    (Let It Snow)

    Oh the cost of living is fright-ful

    Some relief would be de-light-ful

    So don’t leave us in the ditch

    Tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich!




    After storming the corporate Christmas tree, we stormed back out onto to the Capitol steps where Gandalf awaited. Muttering an eldritch invocation, he tapped his staff gravely upon the marble and we watched in awed silence as 30 large pizzas congealed from the Mists of Ætheria.

    Beholding this miracle, Miss DeeDee snatched a large slice of pepperoni and recklessly charged one of the Ork warriors.


    DeeDee: Want some pizza, sir? Here; have some of mine.

    Ork warrior: No thanks.

    DeeDee: How come? You sure? It’s GOOD!

    Ork: Not while I’m on duty, thanks.

    DeeDee: Hey, how come you got a gun anyway?

    Ork: It’s my service weapon.

    DeeDee: Are you scared I’m gonna hurt you or something? Look at me! Do I got a gun? How could I hurt you?

    Ork: Look, Ma’am. I’m not baiting you, so why are you baiting me? I’m just doing my job. Now could you please clear the way? People are trying to get in and out of the building. Thank you.

    DeeDee (smiling): OK, but I still don’t know why you need that gun. Nobody else here has a gun but you.





    This thread is dedicated to Chris Genese at Washington CAN . . .

    . . . and to DeeDee

    . . . and to Rachel Corrie

    . . . and to Jarod Newlove

    . . . and to every young person who has given a part of themselves, or all of themselves, to make this old world a better place.





     Let not young souls be smothered out before

     They do quaint deeds and fully flaunt their pride.

     It is the world’s one crime its babes grow dull,

     Its poor are ox-like, limp and leaden-eyed.

     Not that they starve, but starve so dreamlessly,

     Not that they sow, but that they seldom reap,

     Not that they serve, but have no gods to serve,

     Not that they die, but that they die like sheep.  

                            –Vachel Lindsay




    . . . and to Otilio, who never lost the faith.  








    Tax Boeing more! A lot more! We agree!

    yours truly,

    Citizens of Charleston SC



    Really? “Officer, how come you got that gun?” REALLY? It’s like walking onto a bus…

    “Hey, bus driver, how come you got that bus, anyway.”

    “It’s, uh, my service bus.”

    “Are you scared I’m gonna give you a ride somewhere, or something? Look at me? Do I got a bus? How could I give you a ride?”

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