Off leash dogs once again at Lincoln Park

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    Ok.. I have read here about how out of control Lincoln Park is with owners not leashing their dogs and as of this morning while resting on the bench two dogs approached me aggressively without its owner and wildly barked and almost bit me. Two ladies let them roam ahead of them without their leashes on. I need to know who I complain to about this because I am going to start taking pictures and send them to the park crew for immediate police response. I will follow and take pictures and so forth for proof. I am going on patrol myself because it seems to be a problem no one cares about. I’m pretty sure they don’t read blogs so they aren’t informed that it is a leashed park. They also need to install visible signs that clearly say onleash park or “subjected to be fined”



    I was chatting with a coworker I saw coming out of the park on Saturday and a lady was exiting the park with two of her dogs off leash.

    The two dogs then came up to her dog (which was on leash) and one began to attack her (the dog)!

    This problem is out of control, I wish this law would be enforced. Will it take a child being attacked by a dog for the police to do something about this?



    OH NO! off leash dogs again! You heard it reported here on the WSB first.

    You should try hitting them with a large metal pole, I hear that works.



    Maybe Animal Control could start an online Wall of Shame with any photos that accompany an actual (official) complaint when it’s filed?



    I like that idea Gen…Your dog and you will be infamous. Seriously.



    I was doing the Thistle stairs the other day and saw a dog approaching me with its owner lagging way behind. However, the dog did have a leash attached to its collar so it was technically leashed. Any loopholes there? I don’t own a dog so I’ve never paid attention, even after the gazillion rants about off-leash dogs on this blog.




    it’s not that nobody cares. We have had rounds of complaints followed by rounds of increased patrols in Lincoln park several times since this subject first came up…

    i like the idea of taking pictures… and GenHIllOne’s idea of a wall of shame for offenders… but wish we could post them here. probably not a great idea… but talk about peer pressure.

    i could have taken two pictures myself today on a circuit of Alki on beachdrive.. from the comfort of my driver’s seat.

    People really are getting that casual about breaking the leash laws.



    LOL…This ought to get interesting. Time to go to the park and start taking pics now. Remember to also get the owners picture along with their dogs. Something has to get done.



    I abide by the leash law not because my dogs are untrained or uncontrollable but because it is the law. As a community we have enacted the leash law for a reason and as such it should be followed until repealed. If one has a problem with this law then follow the appropriate process to change it. Just don’t ignore it. On the other hand if we, as individuals or a community, are unhappy with the enforcement of a given law then we too must follow the appropriate process to ensure proper policing.

    I think that the articulation of a problem on a blog is great to muster support but the next step needs to be taken to enact change. Otherwise it’s just a bunch of passive aggresive complaining…



    cross posted!:

    Can I submit pictures of myself? if that is a violation of the rules, can I find out when you will be at the park so I can unleash my dog for a picture in front of you.

    pro tip, have bacon in your pockets so your ready.



    Go ahead and submit a picture of yourself Vincent. I’ll meet you whenever you want at the park.



    I saw an older lady running with her unleased collie-looking dog by Coleman Pool on Sunday, dog was way ahead of her, took off up a trail, lady continued along the path, two cyclists past me and then the dog bounded out of the woods, across the path of the cyclists and causing one to become unsteady and almost crash. The dog then passed its jogging owner and came between the two cyclists again, almost causing an accident – the owner kept on jogging and didn’t utter a word to the cyclists.



    I actually like Vincent’s idea – CLANG!

    Metal pole…heh heh.



    Attention zealots! I saw the animal patrol in Lincoln Park this morning. Luckily, we were disguised as an elderly couple from Tonasket. Dumb dog cops passed right on by!



    Kimberley – I saw this lady on Monday morning as well, playing frisbee with her dog on the grass next to Fauntleroy – she sorta looked over her shoulder before throwing the frisbee – like she knew she was doing something wrong – but threw it anyway. Had the leash in her hand.

    Obviously this is an issue or it wouldnt be coming up constantly….



    Seattle Animal Control has an online form to report- and a specific field for reporting leash violations in Seattle Parks.

    I have reported off-leash incidents at Lincoln Park using this form. Afterward, I was contacted by phone and was told they would be increasing patrols at the park. They could certainly be generating revenue if so.

    If more people utilized this form, it may help to present the urgency of this matter. It is “not if, but when” an event will occur that will send people/dogs to the emergency room.

    I stopped taking my dogs to this park (after the last blog I posted 10 months ago). I just couldn’t stand it anymore. That really bums me out, because when I and the two dogs were not being approached by off leash dogs (each and every visit) it was so enjoyable of a walk. Scenery just doesn’t get much better than Lincoln Park.

    Good luck!



    Thanks for the link aunteesocial, the other half walks our insane chocolate lab there pretty much every day and always sees offleash dogs (not always causing issues).

    On the other hand, if anyone has any tips for dealing with an 81 lb chocolate lab with explosive diarrhea, send ’em my way *sigh*


    A wine bottle cork?




    immodium.. if the diarrheah is very temporary…

    you can find the dosage on pet vet sites.

    but don’t let it go to long. Dogs dehydrate very quickly and that is one expensive vet bill.



    Thanks JoB – we’re (well, not me, I’m at work) cooking up some rice, boiled chicken and giving him a little canned pumpkin for breakfast, will add a little pedialyte to his water and will try the imodium (I think I have some in my pet first aid kit) and will monitor and call the vet this afternoon.

    (Sorry for the thread hijacking!)

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