Occupy Westcrest

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  • #601437

    HMC Rich

    And I thought we lived in a civilized place! This is serious!! I observed some of the worst behaviors exhibited by occupiers at a public park. And this behavior is accepted!!

    Talk about squatters. I saw fights. Individuals without clothes. Bondage, Leather collars around necks being led by chains. Public urination and defecation AND not cleaning up but just walking away. One b*tch was strutting her stuff and the boys were drooling trying to get right behind her. Not only that but they were sniffing each others bums. Mounting each other and not caring who watched nor which sex they were. Begging for food from strangers and not paying for it or even a Thank You. Groups carrying on, howling, yipping and making a nonstop racket.

    Can you believe this behavior is perfectly acceptable?

    I can, when it is an off leash park.






    Big smiles HMC…big smiles…good humor!


    HMC Rich

    Holly is rehabbing after her brush with Occupy Westcrest.

    Sniff, I hope she will recover. :)



    Is that a basset hound?


    HMC Rich

    Yes, rescued from OR. She’s a sweetheart.



    I am rolling with much-needed laughter! Thank you

    These whisker-faced ruffians at Westcrest think they can get away with that sort of behavior…political talk of mounting, drooling, non-payment issues, etc. To say nothing of how they goose humans and try to take over laps…

    Laughing doesn’t help when you’re in the middle of it.

    It seems to egg them on to further illicit behavior.

    They need a serious heads-up on their participation in being part of IT. If THEY can see out of IT, recognize what IT is, and GET IT…then they will get IT. Truly GET IT.

    [Aside question just for laughs and challenge: what BR flick did the above paragraph refererences come from? Take them with a grain of salt for accuracy…]

    Thanks HMC!




    those bitches really know how to claim space…

    and leave the guys lapping it up :->

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