Obama and TPP – Sabotage?

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    OK, so again today, Obama went to the Dem caucus and pushed TPP fast track for the upcoming vote today. It wasn’t pretty. He was roundly considered to have sounded condescending and tone deaf to the issues they had.

    So, based on this and his previous efforts which seemingly went about as poorly, I have a proposition for discussion:

    Obama knows this TPP is a bad deal. He knows it will blow up if it actually has to have a debate on the floor.

    He’s TRYING to sabotage Fast Track. He gets to look like he’s helping the Dems be “pro-business” when he knows damn well this package is going to be bad for Americans.

    Anyone see the last episode of Veep? They sabotaged their own bill cuz it sucked.

    Could he be winning by losing?



    i fear this is wishful thinking



    Yeah, me too but it’s all I got, when Cantwell and Murray have already sold us out. :-(



    Wake, I think Obama is over his head when it comes to dealing with business and is willing to go along with measures that favor large corporations at the expense of ordinary taxpayers who are expected to bear the consequences of fall out of costs the corporations might encounter due to the terms of the agreement (if those terms are actually enforced in areas of labor rights, pollution, currency manipulation, etc.). I believe a more capable leader could balance those competing interests. In all, it’s rather sad and disappointing.



    Well, it’s not like he’s unique in that issue. He’s actually part of the vast majority who either are intimidated by the corp. overlords or have long ago sold out to them – and you know exactly who I’m referring to.

    So, I’m holding out a bare shred of hope that he knows he’s overmatched and is going to “naive” his way into failing to get this passed.

    The “hey, I tried really hard!” shrug of his shoulders when it goes down.

    I think he’s smart enough to know that could work, given how much the R’s hate anything he supports.

    Don’t wake me up. ;-)



    And…wait for it…Fast Track goes down!



    And Obama turns to Pelosi and whispers, “you’re welcome”.



    i have chosen to be unplugged today.. so…

    did the whisper really happen or is this more wishful thinking?

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