Nutrition Education

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    I’m a registered dietitian with a passion for helping to combat childhood obesity. I’ve been increasingly disturbed by the notion that this next generation may be the first to have a shorter life span than their parents, and it saddens me to see young children developing what used to be called “adult onset” diabetes. Not to mention the fact that the American Academy of Pediatrics recently issued recommendations encouraging us to consider using cholesterol-lowering drugs on kids as young as eight. In the spirit of being part of the solution rather than just pointing out the problem, I’d like to do some complimentary nutrition-related presentations for teachers and/or parent groups and I’m looking for some advice on who to contact. Any and all ideas would be appreciated.



    Well, good on you!

    I just happen to be doing a wee bit of reading today on the Robert Woods Foundation and the nutrition initiatives they sponsor. What a coincidence.

    But, also, I read right here on the WSB last summer that the King County Initiative kicked off last summer. It is addressing certain populations in the county and attendant nutritional/health issues. I don’t know for 100% certain that they are exclusively focused on educational/ parent groups, however, but it is certainly great and important work they’ve got started.

    Check it out! Good luck! And thank you for caring!

    Edit: I think I put up the wrong link. Hang on while I find the right one! So sorry. :]




    Here are all the links which TR has kindly provided:

    Hope these help you get where you’re trying to go. Again, good luck!



    This is very helpful information! Thanks for the links.

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